I shoud be dead by now but I'm not?

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The double doors slammed open with a loud bang and I came waltzing in.There was music playing at max volume from the speaker I was holding. I forgot what song it was but it was like some death metal type shit. The guitarist has mad some skills tho.

I think everyone just had a mini heart attack. Look, I had 2 hours of sleep. 2 hours. You insomniacs would understand. My self control cheated on me with sleep and went on vacation in Miami—they both hooked up when they found out I was two-timing. Now I'm drunk on sleep deprivation and two litres of coffee—I don't give a damn. I'm taking no more shit from them. No more. So here I am, sporting Aizawa approved eye bags, smirking in the doorway.

    "O shit, waddup."

    Most of them acted as they would, Tamaki was huddled up in his emo corner shivering and crying begging "mommy" to give him some moral support, while the rest looked mortified. They still weren't used to me yet, but they'll be soon enough. Surprisingly, Kaoru aka. Incest 2, had screamed—well, maybe not surprisingly because he stood right next to the doors. It missed him by a hair's breadth. Standing any closer would've gotten him crushed. If you look as it this way, it was payback for the rough handling last Saturday [A/N: No. Not like that you dirty minded freaks. Kuroo would've topped anyways]. I said it myself; I was gonna give them hell, and hell, shall they receive.

"Kuroo? What in the blazes are you doing?" His majesty asked, still looking shellshocked. Who the hell still uses the word 'blazes' anyways?

The music was still playing in the background.

"Oh don't mind me, I'm just passing through and popped in to say hi."

"Ok then.... are you sure you're alright? You don't look fine..." Honey walked up to me sheepishly.

"Geez you have major eye bags." I honestly don't know who said that but I was too lazy to care.

I marched over to the corner of the room towards the couch. Turning back to them and giving them a thumbs up, I replied.

"Peachy, just peachy."

Before flopping over face first, into the couch, still putting up my thumbs signalling to them that I was ok, whilst in reality my chances of being ok were around 50/50 but who the hell cares anyways.

"Hey Kuroo, you sure you don't want to go to the nurse or something?"

"nAh i'M FuCKinG FinE."

Muffled laughter came from the same spot before I promptly passed out, leaving the rest of the room still in confusion.

"Does anyone know what happened to him?" That was Blondie by the way.

"Excuse me, sir, I was just passing by and I couldn't help but overhear. If I may wager a guess?" A young man in a black suit, with short black hair and funny eyebrows, which seemed to step out of nowhere, spoke up. [A/N: guess whooo???? ;) ]

"Oh. Mattsun, go ahead."

"Well... you see, in the language of 'normal' people, I'd say you broke him. It was probably from stress and your treatment of him on Saturday. The mental strain you put on his was probably too much for him to bear."

"Huh... interesting. How do we fix him then?"

A bead of sweat formed on Makki's forehead. He laughed awkwardly

    "Fix" him huh...

"....Just—just leave him alone for the day. From his personality, he just needs some sleep and time alone."

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