
Lee Hoseok: So???


Lee Hoseok: is that a yes??



Lee Hoseok: Awww that's so sweet

Y/N: Shut up, I'm only saying yes because I know it will never happen

Lee Hoseok: You never know, a magical day might happen



Y/N: Can we stop talking about this

Lee Hoseok: Yes ma'am

Y/N: Oh gosh look at the time

Lee Hoseok: In time~

Y/N: Oh such a nice song

Lee Hoseok: Ik

Y/N: I got off topic again!

Y/N: We've been talking for so long I lost track of time!

Lee Hoseok: and that's a bad thing?

Y/N: Kind of!

Y/N: I promised Mark today I would help him volunteer at the soup kitchen today

Lee Hoseok: Ooooh

Y/N: Yeah and I need to be there soon

Lee Hoseok: Ew Mark....

Lee Hoseok: I'll ttyl babe

Y/N: Yep

"And my phone is at thirty percent!?" I exclaim, plugging my phone to the cord. I stretch my arms as I get off the bed and slide the window curtains, letting the sun enter.

Mark: Hey, is it ok if I pick you up in thirty minutes

Y/N: I just got out of bed

Mark: Y/N!

Y/N: I know......I'll be quick

Mark: Ok, hurry up

Y/N: 🙃


"See, I told you." I said to Mark, hopping onto the back seat of his bike. Mark starts to peddle right away. "If we get there quickly, then we'll be there just in time."

"We have to be there right on time?" I hold onto the back of his shirt because of how fast he's going. "You know how my aunt doesn't like it when anyone runs late."

Mark's aunt owns a soup kitchen in Seoul that's about twenty minutes away from my place. Mark and I usually volunteer there sometimes (mostly Mark) and today I promised him I would volunteer with him.

His aunt hates it when people are running late on her.

"You're going so fast, slow down a little." I say, tightening my grip. Mark slows down but still going pretty fast.

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