"D.O knocks on the window again as I shout out "one second" and lean in placing my hand on Chanyeols cheek and moving in to softly kiss his lips as I feel him shake. Pulling away I look at Chanyeol with his eyes still closed making me smile "you can open your eyes now" I tease him as he looks at me. "We better go" I wipe his bottom lip as he starts to look all nervous while getting out of the car.

I walk close to him and link my hand with his making him look at me as i rub my thumb over his fingers calming him  as we head over to the others.

"Finally you two are here" his mother rushes over to us hugging us both.

"Ok now we can get started, oh Baekhyun this is Minseok and Lay they went to school with Chanyeol, those two messing over there are Yooras and her soon to be hubby's friends so this is basically the wedding parties day of fun" his mother smiles and claps her hands all excited.

"What are we playing?" D.O smiles while wrapping his arm around Chanyeols mother's shoulder. I turn to look at Chanyeol and see the hate in his eyes making me pull him back from heading over and punching D.O.

"Look at him Baekhyun, acting like he is part of the family" I place my hand on his chest feeling his heart beat race. "Hey look at me" I grab his chin and turn him to look down at me.

"Your not suppose to show he is getting to you, do you not think he is trying to annoy you knowing I'm here with you" he looks down at me and leans in kissing my cheek taking me off guard. "Was he looking when you did that?" I ask him.

"Yep and now he doesn't look to happy" he smiles down at me. "Then it's working baby" I grab his hand as his mother shouts for us to hurry up and join them all.

"Ok we are going to play a little bit of baseball" his mother shouts all excited as we get into teams. Chanyeol, Lay and I are on one team with Chanyeols father being our leader, Minseok, yooras friends with Chanyeols mother are all together leaving the bride and groom out in the field as not to get hurt playing.

A half hour into the game our team are loosing and it's up to me to score, I've played baseball before and I'm kind of an expert at it , I've been holding back seeing D.O all excited and happy his team is winning. Taking the bat I get ready to show D.O that his team is going down.

"Hey baby give me a kiss for goodluck" I shout towards Chanyeol  he walks closer as I grab him by his t-shirt and pull him in for a kiss before he whispers in my ear  "loose the game" he smiles before walking away.

I take my place and wait for the pitcher to throw the ball which just so happens to be D.O. "Go baby" chanyeol shouts out making me laugh and D.O pissed off.

He pitches the ball and I hit it sending it flying into the air and out of the area we are playing in bringing all our players back to home base to the roars of my team mates. I drop the bat and run from base to base making a home run and jump into the arms of chanyeol as he hugs me while I kiss his cheeks.

"We won baby" I shout before our team do a group hug. This mother hands the winning team a little toy throphy. I look over towards the other team and see D.O pissed off.

"I told you to loose the game" chanyeol whispers in my ear. "Yeah you did but why should we let him win, look at him it's killing him we won Chanyeol". I smile towards him as his mother plans a few more games for us.


The games are finally over and we decide to all head back home and meet at Chanyeol's parents house later for late night drinks.

Getting close to the car I pop the boot and grab a towel sitting on the edge I wipe the sweat from my neck and face wrapping the towel then around my neck while drinking some water. D.O comes close to his car popping the boot of his car beside us. "Good game, your pretty good at playing baseball" he smiles wiping his face with a towel before drinking some water.

"Yeah it was my favourite as a kid" I reply nicely for the sake of keeping peace. He walks closer to me stopping right in front of me awfully close that I know he is up to something as I do these things for a living. "I can tell your good so maybe we can meet for a drink alone" he reaches for the towel hanging around my neck pulling it making he look up at him as I stand up close to him face to face. "Oh yeah and then what?" I question him to see how much further he will go. "That's up to you gorgeous, I've seen you out there watching me, so maybe you can get away for some private time" he moves closer as if to kiss me as I grab the front of his t-shirt and pull him close. "I wouldn't touch you if you where the last man on earth, I'm in a relationship with Chanyeol your ex and you know what I'm so glad he didn't marry you cause he doesn't deserve someone like you. Let me guess you left him cause you found someone else am I right, and let me also guess the guy offered you the world so you decided to dump chanyeol and leave him at the altar" he steps back looking annoyed at me as if he is going to hit me.

I step closer laughing "I'm right ain't I and I take it after a month or two the guy dumped your ass and now your here messing with my man's head, well I am gonna tell you something, you keep your hands off my man and stay away from him at this wedding or you will have me to deal with now get the fuck out of my face" I slam close the boot door just as chanyeol joins us making D.O walk away.

"Is everything ok?" Chanyeol asks me as I watch D.O drive off in his car smiling.

"No Chanyeol we need to talk"


Oh who would have thought that about D.O?

Don't hate me please

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