There was silence for a moment. Paul, from the driver’s seat, finally spoke. “To the party, then?”
            I closed my eyes and massaged my temples. “To the party,” I said. There were two distinct ruptures of cheers from Louis and Harry. Liam, Zayn, and I kept quiet for the remainder of the ride.

            It wasn’t long before Paul turned the van into a long paved driveway. The minute I saw the house, my heart leaped. It was a beautiful mansion, almost like a castle. Strange fitting for Texas, but it set my thoughts back to home. The elder-looking ‘castle walls’, if you could call them that, were easily warming me with nostalgia for my mother and siblings.

            I thought we’d made it to the end of the driveway, but instead we kept driving. The road wound around the tremendous house, and where I’d imagined there was sand or a field actually turned out to be more of the building. The house was far enough away from the beach as to not draw attention, but it was close enough to catch a beautiful view. I wondered how in the world Louis had pulled this off. “Who’s your friend?” I asked.

            “Uhhh… Well, let’s just say I have connections,” Louis said sneakily. “Paul, you can pull over there with the other cars to park,” he instructed.
            Paul did so, and the whole time I felt our collective awe at the house we were about to enter. “This is amazing,” Zayn said as we stepped out of the car.

            It wasn’t long before a stout boy dressed in a suit jacket and dark pants came through the back entry-way. He looked to be about our age; he had dark eyes and light blonde hair. He pushed it from his forehead before he spoke. “Hello! You must be One Direction?”

            “We are,” Louis said.

            “The party’s already started. I’m Lucas Casteel,” He shook each of our hands as we entered through the huge doorway. “You can leave your shoes there in the hall.” I slid my sneakers off out of courtesy and left them there, padding down the wood floor in the hallway in my socks. I felt exposed.
            I took another glance at Lucas. He seemed snobby, almost as though he’d only invited us so that people would flock to see his luxurious home. I guessed that if I were granted such a lovely place, I’d be a bit of the same. “So, is this your house?” Harry asked politely. “It’s lovely.”
            “Thank you. But no. My mother is a congresswoman in California, and my dad’s got his own law firm. They’ve lent me their beach house while I’m in college here.” Even worse that he didn’t actually own the place. “Drinks?” He ushered us into a low-lit dining room. Across the wood floor was a bar counter with an actual bartender. I could live with this, I thought.

            There were already about thirty people spaced around the room. Our disguises kept them from noticing us for the time being, but I was sure Lucas would be drumming up some company for us later on. I made myself scarce by getting a drink and attempting to look busy speaking with Liam. We were the only two standing in the space of a few feet; Harry, Louis, and Zayn had gone across the room to meet a few more people.

            Liam rolled his eyes. “This is bad,” he said, “Very bad.”
            “I know.” I took a sip of my drink, trying to make my bad thoughts fade. After a few more sips, I could see the good in our situation. There were some cute girls a few feet away from us, talking amongst themselves. I suddenly felt brave enough to use my Irish charm and speak with them. Liam hadn’t touched a cup yet. I remembered why… his kidney problems kept him away from alcohol. He didn’t seem to mind it too much.

            Before I could clear my head and take a step in their direction, Harry’s hand was on my shoulder. “Liam, Niall, this is Paige, and this is Lindsey.” Two girls, one with blonde hair, the other with crisp brown, were ushered in front of Liam and me. Harry disappeared. What a way for him to introduce us. My bitter thoughts subsided as I saw how cute the girls were.

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