bonus vii. professors

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Friday night, after what yet again an exhausting hazing session, the grumbling juniors can be found at a bar drinking their stresses away. Initially, Kongpob wanted to pass in hopes of being with his boyfriend instead but his boyfriend's also busy and he realized he needed a drink too.

"I'm so exhausted. I can't feel my soul anymore." Aim sighed and leaned heavily on the couch after drinking his beer in one gulp.

"This is because of those seniors, commanding us to run for half an hour under the sun, what the hell are they thinking?" Wad.

"The seniors suck." Tew grumbled.

"Yeah. He sucks good." Kongpob, clearly inebriated, suddenly spoke up.

"What?" His friends looked at him like he just grew another pair of head.

Kongpob tilted his head. "What?"

"You just said someone sucks good." Oak.


"Whaaaaat?" Oak asked back in a high-pitched voice.

"Whaaat?" Kongpob sing-songed as well.


"Okay, can you two stop singing what like a bunch of idiots?" Wad shouted glaring at Kongpob and Oak instantly stopping the two idiots, namely Kongpob and Oak, musical.

Oak laughed. "Oho, are you thinking about P'Arthit? Kong, that guy's allergic to you, give up. He would never want you Kong and imagine him being your boyfriend," Oak straightened his posture and cleared his throat to imitate Arthit's head hazer voice, "Student 0062, as your boyfriend, run 54 laps! Go!"

The juniors all laughed, with Kongpob as the loudest, for his drunk brain, it is very funny, but then he suddenly realized Oak was mocking his own boyfriend, Kongpob immediately stopped laughing. "Wait, that's not funny Oak."

"It's not."

Oak's eyes widened when he heard one of the 'seniors' he just imitated, literally behind him. Great. Could his life get any better?

"I-i'm sorry P', I was just using... my imitation voice box, just... practicing."

Arthit rolled his eyes at Oak. From his peripheral view, he could see that Kongpob is close to drunk and a drunk Kongpob is never good, aside him being an idiot when he's drunk, he's also frank.

Kongpob's shined when he saw Arthit standing in front of him, he's about to shout in glee but Arthit beat him to it. "Why don't we join you juniors because as seniors, I think it's our responsibility to guide you in every aspect."

The juniors nodded, they didn't have a choice anyway. The seniors sat with their juniors, with Arthit sitting beside Bright who was sitting beside his boyfriend.

And thus commenced the very awkward night out. At least, it was awkward for Arthit but it was obvious from his friends' laugh that they're really enjoying it, especially Bright.

Arthit slowly sipped from his glass and shook his head when he heard Bright and a very drunk Kongpob talking about the purpose of paper clips for the past few minutes.

"And then I asked her, what's the purpose of a paper clip if you have a stapler and a bulldog clip, right? It's very non-sense to me and well, she remained quiet, I reckon she just realized that time paper clips aren't really useful... all thanks to me." Bright said seriously.

"P', that's so smart of you. I'm only realizing it now." Kongpob looked genuinely amazed at Bright.

Bright's face remained as serious as he shrugged. "I know N'Kong, I am, I just don't want everyone to know because... they would give me a lot of responsibility, they'd pressure me and I don't want that, I just want to live life to the fullest.... so," Bright wrapped his arm around Kongpob's shoulder and whispered (more like shouted), "I hope this stays between the two of us."

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