Chapter Four: There's Always a Friend in Need

Start from the beginning

"No need for that." Biting down on his tongue, he licks the wound. I felt the venom enter my vein, fueling a sudden rush and getting rid of every pain of sense of worry in my body. "Better?"

I sighed in relief. "Yeah. I'm going to a short break, I have can food." Taking the back pack off, I blindly reached in to grasped an old can without a label. "I guess start a fire or something, not too large- it'll attract others."

Henry took the offering with a light smile. "What is it?"

"Uh, I think beans but don't be too surprised if you get dog food. I won't stray too far."

"Number one or number two?" Don teased, a devious chuckle passing his lips.

I swat his arm before setting my stuff down, discreetly grabbing the rough napkins in the pack. Thank goodness Damon gave me the proper items to survive. I dashed past the tree line, not too far to not see them but not close for them to see me. I settled behind a tree, checking for spiders or anything else that can sneak up on me before pulling down my pants and squatting. I sighed in relief, holding in hours worth of pee in a unfamiliar body is more torture than a stab to the gut.

I stood, pulling up my pants while sighing in relief, a speck of glistening silver shined in the distance- growing closer and closer, cutting down anything in its path, along with my head. I ducked before the object could chop my neck, instead is chips the tree behind me, placing a huge gash in the bark and became stuck by the unfathomable force. A freshly polished hatchet, just an inch away from my head, I gulped as my heart stops and lungs tightened.

Although, I almost soiled myself right then and there, I didn't receive the chance to take a breath as a beloved fist went straight for my cheek. I raised my arm, blocking the punch and returning a quick jab to the person's face. A large hood and clothe covered their face, only showing light brown eyes and thin eyebrows only possible owned by a woman.

She was quick, light on her feet and punched harder than anyone I know, considering the only people I fought hand to hand were Antonio and Lucas- plus Lilith but she's an ancient demon. Proceeding with a half twirl, the woman kicks me in the gut, second me back into the tree with a grunt.

I grabbed the handle of the hatchet, giving it a harsh tug that only made the wood croak in protest. Swinging my hand out, I back hand her and used the weapon as a bar to do a quick pull up and kicking the woman in the chest with both feet. She flew back, stumbling over twigs and risen root, but regained herself quickly. "Listen, I don't know who you are or why you're doing this, but can't we ju-" one jab to the lip, I was lost for words and foaming at the mouth. I guess a conversation is off the table then.

Making use of the hunters knife in my boot, I steady myself, waiting for her to grow closer instead of running into whatever weapon or move she has up her sleeve. Unlike an idiot, she pulled out her own choice of weapon from her back; it was bigger, wider, longer, and curved- a classic kukri. I kept myself from running away like a wuss, but still called out for back up- clearly aha has more experience than me. "Don!" I screamed before forced to duck to the ground as the blade sliced the air.

I attacked her legs, taking that first available cut at her left calf, stood to my feet and punched her in the cheek. Dropping to the ground, I sweeper my leg out, easily knocking her on her ass and straddle her waist; placed the hunters knife upon her throat and grabbed the kukri from her hands before she gets a bright idea.

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