For The Sake of The Chara's

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"Duncle Error! Duncle Error!" The Chara's shouted when they saw the familiar glitching skeleton stepped out of the portal, they couldn't help but get more happier when they saw Nightmare and the rest step out. "HoW aRe mY lItTlE TeRrOrS dOiNg?" Error said as he gave a Chara a doll, "we're doing good!" Nova(Outertale Chara) said. "Duncle Error?" Scythe(Reapertale Chara) said, "yEs mY LiTtLe tErRoR?" Error said as he crouched down to Scythe's level. Scythe held out a book, "Can you role play this story with the rest of our Duncle's?" They asked. The cover of the book had two humans holding hands, both were wearing crowns. "HmMm, aLriGhT i'lL sEe wHaT I cAn Do" Error said.

*time skip*

"Okay everyone has their roles right?" Cross asked, everyone nodded, "okay Error, get in the dress" Dust said, Error let out a sigh before grabbing the dress and going behind a bush to change. After awhile everone was dressed in whatever their roles were, "Man this is gonna be beautiful" Killer said. "Gather around children! The story is about to start!" Cross said, it caused all the Chara's to stop what they were doing and sat down in Chairs. Cross cleared his throat, "long ago, their was a King, a Queen, and a Prince, they all lived in a castle and ruled over the land," Cross said as he read from the book, Pistol (Mafiatale Chara) stepped out was wearing things a King would wear, Heart (Underlust Chara, Error managed to get them out of that sinful AU) was wearing what a Queen would wear, and Nightmare was still in his goopy form but he was wearing his old clothes and his crown.

"The Prince was a fine man, women absolutely adored him, they all wanted to be able to marry him so they could become queen, but Prince Nightmare knew that they just wanted him because he was rich" Cross said, he held up his hand and took a sip of water before continuing. "One day, Prince Nightmare went to go to explore in the forest when he saw a tower with a beautiful wom-um skeleton on top" Cross said, Nightmare looked up to Error, "Hello? Who are you and why are you all the way up there?" Nightmare asked, "WeLl yOu sEe dEaR pRinCe, I aM a PriNcEsS fRoM tHe cRyStAl hEaRt kInGdOm, oNe dAy a tErRifYinG DrAgOn hAd aTtaCkEd mY kInGdOm aNd aTe mY pArEnTs rIgHt iN fRonT oF mE! hE tHen kIdNaPpEd Me fRoM mY hOmE aNd iS kEePiNg mE iN tHiS vErY tOwEr. PlEaSe oH bRaVe pRiNcE! iF yOu sAvE mE yOu'Ll hAvE mY hAnD iN mArRiAgE" Error said as he placed his hands on his chest. "The prince thought for awhile, if he rescued the princess then he would have the beautiful skeletons hand in marriage, not to mention that the princess was now a queen and desperately needed help" Cross said as flipped the page, "don't worry princess! I'll save you!" Nightmare said with pure determination. "All of a sudden, a dragon appeared!" Cross said, Dust appeared in a blow up T-Rex costume that was painted green, "Rawr! You will never take the princess away from me so easily! I challenge you to a duel you puny prince! Rawr!" Dust said as he tried to run at Nightmare.

But no matter how hard Dust tried he moved like a turtle, Nightmare simply walked up to Dust and poked his side with a wooden sword. Dust dramatically fell to his knees "Nooooooooo! I have been defeated!" Dust said as he laid down, he took out a ketcup bottle and pointed it upwards before squeezing it, the ketcup was falling everywhere. Dust coughed and gasped "I see the light..." he whispered, Dust faintly said a last Rawr before going limp. Nightmare held out his arms, "princess! Jump into my arms! I'll catch you!" Nightmare said, Error jumped and Nightmare of course, (let Error fall... JK) caught Error.

Nighmare proceeded to carry Error bridal style, "tHanK yOu fOr rEsCuInG mE" Error said as he kissed Nightmare's cheek causing the Chara's to all squeal and say things like "I ship it!" Cross flipped the page one more time, "after that, Prince Nightmare and Princess Error got married and had a beautiful child named Killer" Cross said. Error picked up Killer who was wrapped in a blanket, Killer cleared his throat and proceeded to say "goo" Cross then shut the book, "and they lived happily ever after, The End" all the Chara's clapped and cheered. Killer wriggled out of Error's hold, "NOW WHO WANTS NIGHTMARE AND ERROR TO GET MARRIED FOR REAL?" Killer shouted, a chorus of "Me!" And "I do!" Sounded through the deserted AU. "Good! Cause while you guys where finishing the story me and horror actually made a wedding setting! It's in Outertale" Killer said proudly, "I'll get Nightmare ready and You get Error ready" Horror said, Killer nodded before the two dragged Nightmare and Error in different directions.

*time skip at the wedding*

Nightmare was in a tuxedo waiting for Error to be finished, the two weren't joking when they said they made it the same as a  wedding, the Chara's were sitting down in chairs either wearing a tuxedo or a dress, the rest of his gang was on the right side all wearing tuxedos. Then, littletale chara came out and began to happily skip as they littered the floor with flower petals. Finally, Error came out, he was wearing the basic wedding dress but it was a galaxy themed version, in his hands were some echo flowers, Nightmare couldn't help but blush. Error slowly walked until he was next to Nightmare, Horror was in the middle of the two.

"Okay before we begin, Dust! Get the Crowns!" Horror shouted, Dust rushed in with a pillow in his hands, on the pillow were two crowns that looked the same, Nightmare realized that they looked like his old one. "So first you gotta crown each other and then hold each other's hands" Horror instructed, the two did as told and Dust rushed away so he can be in his original spot. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of two monsters, Nightmare and Error" Horror said, but today the Universe hated everyone and decided that Ink and Council should appear. "Error! Why are youuuuu" Ink stopped as he and everyone else looked around before noticing how Nightmare and Error were holding hands.

"Your marrying my brother?!" Dream shouted, Horror slammed his fists into his desk thingy. "EVERYONE SIT THE FUCK DOWN AND WAIT AFTER THE DAMN WEDDING" Horror shouted as he pointed at the group of empty seats, Ink and Council just did as told. Horror sighed before turning back to Error and Nightmare "Anyways, you may now kiss the bride cause i'm not doing the speech bullshit" Horror said. Nightmare and Error shared a kiss before the two started walking away, Error threw his echo flowers and Killer ended up catching it but ended up being tackled by Dust, Cross, and Horror. They ended up splitting up the echo flowers so that they all had some, then everyone had some cake and all that bullshit before Ink remembered the reason they were there in the first place causing another multiverse goose chase with Nightmare carrying Error bridal style the whole way and a very angry council, Dream, and Ink.

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