Not Guilty

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Chapter Twenty-Two


"Not guilty," the woman on the jury says to the crowd.

I couldn't believe it. It was as though a weight was lifted off my chest. They believed I was not guilty. Never in my lifetime did I once hope this moment would happen. Did that mean I wasn't a sought after criminal anymore? Were my charges cleared? Could I, perhaps for the first time, live a normal life?

In a daze, I stood up, and almost instantly I was knocked off balance by Cas.

She kept her arms tightly wrapped around my neck. "See? And you didn't believe me,"

"Of course I believed in you, I just wasn't confident,"

She laughs lightly.

"Do you really love me?" I ask.

She looked down, blushing. "Maybe,"

"Maybe? I don't think you would have said love under oath if it was a maybe,"

She laughs again. "What about you?"

"Oh, I love myself," I laugh. "But I suppose you could say I love you as well,"

She pulls away slightly. "Oh, you suppose? Wasn't it just a week ago that you said you didn't know if you'd call it love,"

"Wasn't that the same day I said love was an illusion? A week has gone by, and a lot has happened since then," over Cas's shoulder I see her parents getting up, walking over to us. "Your parents,"

She looks in their direction, a sigh escapes her lips. "I'll be right back, I suppose I still have some explaining to do,"

"Okay, I'll be talking with Diego and Charlie," I watch her approach her parents before I sought out Diego and Charlie.

They were waiting outside in the hall.

"Congrats," Diego tells me.

"Thanks but I didn't do any of the work,"

"Sure you did, you made great connections with people who would help you out in this kind of situation," Charlie says.

"I suppose," I reply with a shrug. "It's just, now that that has happened, I guess I don't know what to do with my life. It's always been on the run, never having a place to call home, not ever settling down,"

TJ strode over to us. "What do you mean, never having a place to call home?"

"Okay, never having a place to call home after I was fourteen," I chuckle.

"That's still only four years," Diego says.

"Four years is a long time when it comes to something like that,"

"Maria, you do know I would always welcome you back, right?" TJ asks.

I turned my head slightly to the side. "Yeah, I was just to scared I suppose,"

Cas walked out of the room. "Hey,"

"So, are they cool with it, or are they," I began.

"I can't tell honestly," she replies.

"Who's this?" TJ asks.

"Oh, hi, I'm Cas," she introduces herself.

Diego crosses his arms over his chest. "She's also known as Maria's girlfriend,"

Charlie burst out laughing.

I blush furiously, while Cas stared at the ground.

"Oh is she?"

"Well," I started.

"I mean, sorta," Cas continued.

I glance over at her. Were we girlfriends? We were a disaster at it if we were.

"It's nice to meet you Cas. I'd love to stay with you guys a little longer, but I have some important business pending, here," TJ reaches into a pocket, and handed me a small little box. "As a little present for your victory today,"

"Thanks," I say, not yet opening it.

"Well, I'll hopefully see you all later,"

"Bye Corlin!" Charlie waves.

"Bye," Diego echoes.

I also give a small wave to him.

"What's in the box?" Cas asks.

I open it, to reveal a golden locket. I click it open to see a family portrait. My family portrait. I was just a bundle of blankets in my mother's arms. I knew that is was a year before their deaths.

"There's something else in it," Cas says.

I glance back at the box, and sure enough there was a folded up note.

Folding it back open, it read;

To Maria, I am sorry I kept this from you, but I didn't want to give it up just yet. To me, it was a reminder of your parents. It also reminded me that I could've saved them, and yet I didn't. I couldn't. To you, I'm sure it will bring you comfort, to let you know they are always with you. I know you'll win today, and I hope this gift will help you on your new journey of life. Sincerely, Corlin

I teared up a little at the note. Then I notice there was something poking out at the bottom of the box. I pull up the part that the locket and note rested on, and there was a key at the very bottom.

I look to the doors he had gone through, but by now he was long gone. "I wonder where this leads to,"

"By the looks of it, it looks like a house key," Charlie says.

"Why would I need a house key?"

"Maybe because you can finally call a place home with no worries?" Cas suggests.

I flip the key over. On it was engraved, '901 George Street, New Jules, NV'

"Does anyone know where New Jules is?" I ask.

"That's White Ridge's neighboring town," Cas answers.

"Well, isn't that perfect?"

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