Learning how to fly

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Vegeta P.O.V

I wake up early that morning and see princess (y/n) sleeping next to me I smile at her and move the hair out of her face putting it behind her ear. God how much I missed you...she wakes up and stretched and smiles at me "what do you have planned today vegeta?" I smirk "I thought maybe I could teach you how to fly and show you a few of my moves if your up to it" her eyes go wide with excitement. "Of coarse I am" she grabs my hand so we could go to an open area and get started. We sat next to the water fall I sat on a rock with her standing in front of me "just focus all your energy into your legs and just think of a bird or floating. It should be really easy for you since you are already really strong as it is" she closed her eyes and began to focus she instantly was able to get off the ground. I started clapping "see I told you it was easy" she smiles and jumped into the sky flying into the tree tops and in the clouds she had the biggest smile on her face it was really cute...

Goku P.O.V

I used my instant transmission and ended up right in front of Vegeta making him fall backwards into the pond. I scratched the back of my head with my face turning white. He jumps out of the water punching me through a few trees "ooww vegeta...! I'm sorry I just got back from King kais place and I wanted to tell you the news!" And it's not good!" Vegeta crosses his arms "spit it out kakarot!" "Well I asked king Kia to look for your uncle King Metallic and he looked all over the universe and said that he is now passing planet Namek..he's on his way here and he doesn't know that your alive but he's on his way to kill princess (y/n).." vegeta laughs "well looks like I'll give him a big family reunion when he gets here then!" Princess (y/n) lands next to us " you ready to teach me something else Vegeta!" Kakarot looks at her "how about me and you go for a match (y/n)!" She nods and smiles.

Your P.O.V

Me and kakarot get in our fighting stance I He made the first move trying to punch me in the face I instantly blocked it. He landed a few more and every time I blocked them. "Wow your really good (y/n) I haven't landed a single blow and I'm not even at my full power"

Goku P.O.V

I can't believe that this girl is that powerful..it's amazing and very exciting I think it's time to go Supper Saiyan! I powered up and transformed.

Your P.O.V

I watched him power up his eyes turned green and his hair turned golden. "Get ready to feel the power of a super Saiyan (y/n)!" He changed at me and punched me in the stomach I jumped into the air and got behind him and was able to kick him onto the ground and blast him with a few Kia blast. He stands up and smiles "I can't believe it that your still holding your own in your base form!" I laugh he the powered up more to super Saiyan 3 and came at me with a huge blue blast he was changing his power vegeta got behind me "you ready to learn one of my moves?" I nod he showed me how to stand and put my hands in the right place "put all your energy in this Kia blast!" I formed this huge golden blast vegeta said it's name was final flash we blasted them at the same time.

Goku P.O.V

Wow I can't believe her power but I think she's about at her braking point since I'm 2 levels ahead of her. We let our energy blast collide with each other my power took over hers vegeta moved her out of the way just in time. I powered down back to my normal form and walked over to them "You was amazing (y/n)! You lasted in your base form till I got to my 3 form!"

Your P.O.V

I stand up and see that vegeta is powering up he went super Saiyan it was beautiful  everything was golden. "So the legend is true.." he nods "soon we can work on trying to get you to that level if you can handle it!" Kakarot laughs "I'm sure she can as long as she lasted" vegeta looks at kakarot "we really need to get ready for my uncles arrival though..I'm not going to let him win this time! I'm going to kill him where he stands!"
"Please let me have one crack at him vegeta..!"
"No kakarot you got to fight Frezia!" Goku frowns "whatever" I laugh at them then look at vegeta my cheeks turn light pink.


( hello everyone! I'll try to update much as possible Friday Ik leavening for Hot Springs for college and I'll be very busy for a while! I hope that you are enjoying the story so far ❤️)

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