Chapter 6 - Pudding Cup

Start from the beginning

*I needed a stool to reach this one, there was a normal looking Jigsaw puzzle on a shelf under a box with cards and knives, (Note to self: don't open the box with knives) but when I opened the Jigsaw puzzle, It was only filled with corner pieces

*A table with a box in the middle, surrounded by candles. Looks evil... shouldn't touch...

*I saw a trash can full of dusts beside two boxes labeled 'finger nails' and 'actual nails' If there's finger nails in one box, what's in the other...? (Just discovered that the 'actual nails' meant those nails for building n' stuff)

*There's a shelf filled with cans that are labeled with some pictures and names, like 'Pootine' and 'Taco sauce' next to a pot of 'vegan meat'. I tried some, and it tasted funny (like beef, but different)

*and much more dangerous stuff lurking around that I probably shouldn't get close to...

The young boy then tucked away his pencil and notebook, knowing that he took too long inside. So he walked slowly out of the Quartermaster's store, looked around, and fled to the mess hall in hopes that Nikki was done taking a shower, and that nobody was watching. The raven haired male sat back at the same seat he sat on previously, and waited patiently for Nikki to finish. Then, he heard footsteps approaching him, the boy looked at the direction of the sound and saw Nikki, her hands tucked in her hoodie pockets, her wet hair looked like it was hastily combed, or even not combed at all, and her face held a neutral expression, "I'm done, soo.... Wanna get some food?" She requested, raising her eyebrows and smiling slightly, eyeing Max, "Yeah! I think there's some pudding somewhere in the kitchen!" He said, running towards the kitchen, expecting Nikki to follow him, which she did.
When the young female entered the kitchen, she saw him opening all cupboards and throwing out some potatoes from some of the cupboards, Nikki saw the amount of potatoes piled up next to him, "Who the hell stores this much potatoes in their kitchen?" She picked up a potato and threw it back on the pile after examining it, "They'll need these much potatoes to make mashed potatoes for us campers to eat!
How do you think Mr. QM makes all of those everyday?" The mint eyed boy looked at his friend and laughed lightly, "I should've known." She facepalmed and threw her head back, "Of course he keeps a stash of potatoes in his kitchen, but I mean, how'd they afford all these" she gestured towards the heap of potatoes, but all she got in response, was a shrug from her short friend, "Just look elsewhere, who knows there would be some other food somewhere else... What were you looking to look for in the first place?" She asked, pointing at Max, "Pudding? Oh yeah, Pudding! But, I couldn't find any." He looked down sadly, "Look somewhere else, asshat." Nikki looked around and her eyes fell at a door on the other side of the kitchen, "There, there may be food there if I'm not mistaken." Both children Walked up to the door and opened it, they saw shelves full of food, some rotten, but the rest were still fine, "Woah!" Max exclaimed, now devouring a pudding cup, "Maybe this is where the pudding cups came from..."
Max said with a mouthful of pudding, "The Camp was keeping all of this food away from us, and are still feeding us mashed potatoes?" Nikki Yelled, pulling her hair, "Aww, don't get too worked up. Here, have a pudding cup" Max offered, holding out a pudding cup, "uh... okay, thanks?" Nikki replied, taking the pudding cup and opening it to eat.
A few moments later, after having a few pudding cups, both kids heard footsteps outside. This made Max perk up, and look around the room uneasily, "The other campers are gonna wake up after this..." Max said, grabbing Nikki's arm then pulling her out of the kitchen towards a window in the mess hall, and pointing at Gwen, who was now awake and was ready to start a new day, "Leave the potatoes on a pile, but close that one door full of food" Nikki ordered, "yes sir ma'am sir! I will do just that." Max obeyed, running off to the kitchen to do what he was told.
Meanwhile, the aqua haired female just casually walked out of the mess hall towards the violet eyed camp counselor, "Hey." She casually greeted, "Oh, Good morning Nikki. You're up early!" Chirped the tall woman, "Max woke me." Nikki simply said before looking at the megaphone Gwen was holding, "May I?" Offered the young girl, "Waking up the campers? Yes, yes you may, but don't be too loud" she informed, hesitant to give Nikki the megaphone, "Sweet." Replied the magenta eyed female as she snatched the megaphone out of the camp counselor's grasp. She then raised the megaphone towards he mouth, took a deep breath, then yelled, "WAKE UP MOTHERFUCKERS, OPEN YOUR EYES AND OUT OF THE TENTS!!!" Loud groans could be heard from inside of the tents, all reluctant to wake up, but had to anyway. The young girl then handed back the megaphone, a smirk on her face and walked back to the mess hall to meet Max.
"Hey Nikki! I heard yelling outside, everything okay?" The raven haired boy asked as his friend walked up to the table he was at, "Everything's fine. I was just waking up everybody, should've seen their faces." She smiled, "You wanna get second breakfast?" Max offered, glancing at the kitchen, "Nah, I'll pass. I had enough pudding cups for one morning." She declined, patting her stomach. Receiving a couple of small giggles from the little boy across her, "Let's just wait for Gwen to release us after breakfast..."
Lots of apologies that this chapter came out incredibly late!!! You all know I'm busy, but also a bit of a procrastinator... so, here's a new chapter full of Max and Nikki interacting. Again, let me know if it gets annoying. But hey! I have a feeling that someone will be introduced in the next chapter... Anyways, Criticism is appreciated in the comments, It helps me to improve! See y'all in the next chapter

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