The Rose Giver

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Gail Estate on Pellor Road.

It was most certainly an estate. Whether it was truly filled with "joy" by it's Hebrew name was a completely different question. The estate was truly goregous. But there wasn't a sound. Not even a peep from any maid or butler shuffling through the halls. 

I walked up to the front of the gate and rang the bell. A very timid voice answered it. It was so scared, I who was supposed to be a guest felt almost unwelcomed, or more precisely uneasy.

"Hi, I'm here to see Evelyn Maiz. I heard that she resided in this estate." When I requested this, the butler did not answer and as I waited ten minutes infront of the door, the gates were unlocked. Didn't know if it was the right thing to do, but I walked straight into the estate grounds. The name Clysu was carved everywhere.

Clysu was the name of the most richest aristocratic family. In the past, it was actually the Maiz name that kept it's held high to be the richest family, but because of the lack of a heir, great grandfather was the last to keep up the business and trade of the Maiz family, which I actually don't recall mother ever mentioning. 

It reminds me of how I first heard of Theia's name. Mother was telling us how splendid the family was before great grandfather had met Theia. She wasn't even alive and yet she talked about it as if she were there. 

Theia. A poor woman. But a beauty. Not an aristocrat, but very talented that she rose to the top without much effort. Mother always talked about her inspite. Her words towards Theia were as if she were reciting a curse that had been placed on us. But the story always ended with, "Then one day Theia, disappeared! AND THANK THE HEAVENS! The Maiz family was saved!" But recalling now, were we saved?

The Ruby Slippers? The Peddler that gave great grandfather the shoes? Was that what mother called saved? What did great grandmother think of all this? Did she know of the shoes? Moreover, great grandfather didn't show much appreciation for great grandmother. Was she not up to par with Theia? Is that what great grandfather thought? But why then did he not choose to chase her? 

Father became the heir, but great grandfather never really actually treated father or grandfather as heirs. He never told them of the business the Maiz family was famous for. Actually, to be honest, how did the Maiz family rise to the top? 

I reached the front door by this point. Unconsciously, I grabbed the big knockers and just before I could knock it against the door, my hand let go of the knocker. A huge thud echoed into the halls behind the door. A heavy thing indeed. The timid butler opened the door with great haste, and without saying a word or greeting, he led me inside. 

He showed me to a room, and made me sit in the lounge of the estate. He stood in front of the door which we entered as if he were guarding it from someone, or something. And after waiting half an hour, huge stomping feet could be heard running through the hall. The person must have been about two hundred pounds. 

"Open the door, Jacob!" The voice roared loud and clear. The butler swiftly opened the door. The awkward heavy feet landed into the room. It was not a two hundred pound beast, but a skeleton of a really short elderly lady. It is no wonder she ordered the butler to open the door, her arm was probably not capable of reaching the knob. She stomped towards me. "You!"

"Yes?" I blinked. I had requested very politely yet I get someone screaming in my face.

"Whatcha want from Evelyn! She ain't got time for any of your filthiness!"

"Excuse me. I'm visiting as family. I had heard word that she lives in this estate from one of my sisters, Sarah Maiz."

"You? A Maiz? Sarah was a beauty so I let her in and told her everything about what was happening with Evelyn, but you, I wouldn't dare say anything to the likes of you. You're no more than a commoner. There is no way you could be a Maiz. Only Beauties are born into that family." 

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