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It wasn't really an arranged marriage. I threw all my ideals at my mother and she answered my call. And just to tell you this isn't going to be a love story based on my hardships like them dramas, whether their soap operas, sappy love stories, or the "I'm-destiny-for-you" dramas.

The Kyrus family is by far one of the most prestigious families left in Dien. They spend most of their time in Utzi working with the white collar families. They are all gifted in business management, except maybe the second son. The eldest brother, Jonas, is married to Rena, second daughter of a family with no name, but a talented girl who had the best education by her own means and had a lot of experience with businesses. The second son as stated earlier failed in a huge business but also started a few illegal activities to keep the company up above the red zone. Too bad that didn't last long because once the media got a hold of this, the Kyrus name was everywhere.

Eos is the third son, and he has as much prestige as his family name holds. When I first met anyone related to him, every single person told me that he was prestigious and brilliant, probably the brightest star in the family. He took on a company business at such a young age. He also got his degree in marketing and finance early on. When I had met him, he was working on accounting and tax related business work.

I picked up the phone and began dialing. No one answered except the sad voicemail messenge saying "Hey. This is Eos Kyrus. I am currently away from my phone at the moment. Please call back later."

Neglected... My shoulders were definitely more stiff than it was before. Is this what he meant by goal? He was going to be so busy that he wasn't going to try to meet me?

I sighed.

I began dialing again.



"Katherine? What are you doing? Why did you call out of the blue?"

"Mother, I need a Lesson 101 on how to deal with men."

"Is this about Eos not picking up your calls?"

"Of course it is, mother. How am I to be a wife if the husband won't even try to contact back?"

"Now honey, you know your-. Oh! Sarah just got back. I will call you back later.-" She sounded like she dropped the phone to go see her. Sarah is one of my younger sisters. The second most worthy daughter in her perspective. Mother quotes great grandfather on this, "if the daughter is neither beautiful nor talented, then she holds no real future for the family. But if she is both drop dead gorgeous and talented in more than 3 fields, then she is destined to hold the family up in honor."

Sarah was a bombshell with her slim face, wide evenly shaped eyes, and model like features. She was by far the second most talented. She performs for the National Orchestra of Dien who have the greatest honor of having their main guest be the royal family. She has painted portraits for the royal heirs who are not much older than her. And no one can forget that she is an athlete who has won many competitions.

So whose the most talented you ask? The one that broke my mother's heart most of all, my eldest sister, Evelyn. The all time genius who won countless awards for her research ran off with one of the brutes of the Dien country. Wealthy, of course, but a complete ass... Excuse my language.

Then again I can't rant much. Going down memory lane was never really pleasant. So like great granddaddy said, what is the worth of a daughter who is neither gorgeous or prestigious...

The Kyrus family has it easy. Their wealth maybe small but their name is big. Everyone knows the Kyrus family, even if they have never met them before. Of course, because of the second son's scandal, their fame in their name may have dropped a lot more than they have expected. The first time I heard of them is through father. While working under the royal family, father deals a lot with businessmen from around the country, especially if they are wiling to give support to the royal family. 

At the time, great grandfather was still alive. Eighty-seven years old to be precise, and still healthy at that. He lived at least another five years after that. My father had just met the eldest son of the Kyrus family, and he was praising them of their talents. The eldest son was such a capable businessman that my father was even contemplating whether to have my eldest sister married off to him. My great grandfather scolded my father for being so naivee. Such a capable woman as my sister shouldn't be married to such a low class family, let alone man. I remember clearly at the time he stated that intellect should always be paired with fame, and that is the only way one can climb to the top. Low and behold, the Kyrus family's eldest son married a women with no class, which for the most part my great grandfather rubbed in my father's face to say that he was right. Sadly enough, my great grandfather never had the chance to see that his words became reality when Evelyn ran off with one of the richest men in the country. He would have been ten times more exalted.

My father doesn't think like a Maiz. If anything, his family had better connections with the Kyrus family. My father was certainly talented but he didn't believe that his family's name helped him get that talent. To be honest, he couldn't really get over my great grandfather's thinking style. It was rough for my father. He liked the idea of appreciating talent for what it was and that anyone has a chance to get to the top. But great grandfather would never accept that kind of way of thinking. He made sure to beat into my father's head that my great grandfather's words were the truth. And honestly, my father to this day keeps quiet about his views. Even after great grandfather died, grandfather and father both kept to themselves. 

For my grandmother and mother, who were direct blood with great grandfather, knew that it was no good arguing with him, and after he died, you can say that mother took her first step out of great grandfather's cage by marrying me to a Kyrus, which was always my father's wish. But too bad, that in itself wasn't enough to change father back to who he was. 

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