Chapter 2

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Kiara's POV:
I am strolling down the stairs to go clubbing with my friends but I guess the fate is not on my said as the person I've been trying to avoid crosses my path. Yeah, you guessed it right my beloved father( Note the sarcasm). I shut my eyes to calm myself before I do or say anything I can't take back.

He gives me a knowing look and I return a fake smile. "Really!! You think drinking and one night stands are gonna help you come out of your problems and I know you haven't even thought about my proposal."

"Really dad now is not the time to talk about your proposal because there's nothing to think about it. I won't marry a guy that too my competitor and about one night stands it's not like the rumours are true and you know it."

"So you're trying to say you don't have any interest in men.... Am I right?" He smirked. "Ughhh!! You know what I mean. I don't wanna get married so soon and that too to that Kunal or whatsoever his name is." I give him a good glare to prove my point but its useless as he treads back saying," You have till tomorrow so just think about it and lemme know." He added ,"I know the rumours aren't true doesn't mean they don't hurt when they bad mouth my only daughter."

Once he's out of sight I make my way out. I check my black knee length dress, my perfectly wavy hair and trod outside where my car is parked. My parents have never really objected with my lifestyle even if there are rumours of me having one night stands they believe me and know that I can never do anything like that and I am very grateful to have parents like that and I wanna give them every happiness that I can but I don't wanna get married so soon.

I enter the dark club with loud music and strangers grooving against each other. Disgusted I went to the VIP area with less crowd. Reaching there I found my friends sitting at a table and after greeting them I sat down. I just wanted to get drunk and not think about the proposal for just some time.

Shots were served at our table and after just after one shot I could feel the buzz in my body. I chugged few more shots forgetting the count after five. Me and my girlfriends reached the dance floor to dance. We were just dancing on some desi Hindi songs when I felt a hand slide on my waist.

No matter how drunk I am I know my limits very well and also how to remind others of their limits. Well, seems like it's time to show why you should keep your hands to yourself.

I turn around to see a man all sweaty, smugly smiling at me. Returning a sweet fake smile I asked him way too politely to keep his hands to himself before returning to enjoy myself.

When he tried doing it again, I knew this is laaton ke bhoot baaton se nhi mante (Rude people do not understand soft language) type person. But before I could say something I heard someone saying "Are you hard of hearing? She asked you to stay away, right? Why don't you just mind your own business..." I turned around to see a devilishly handsome man in white t-shirt and black jeans, hair gelled properly. I could literally see girls swooning over him.

"I don't need you to save me." I tell him as he moved forward. He looked into my eyes harshly on being interrupted, if only looks could kill. I returned the stare with the same intensity. I am not amidst the ones to back off. I was then pulled back by my friends and we turned to enjoy ourselves again.

But seems like our creep didn't get the hint as he again made a move. Still not wanting to create a scene, I turned around to face him and stabbed my heels on his shoes a bit too hard, but it was not intentional, and so I apologized very sweety to him before by mistake stepping on his other leg too. Ahh sweet revenge.

The pained expressions were enough for me to be satisfied. I ain't no damsel in distress. I know how to fight my battles and don't need some Prince charming to come and save me.

After sometime, thankfully without any other interruptions, I exited the club and called for my car and returned home just to get lost in my comfy bed. I hope I don't get a hangover tomorrow. That's impossible!! My brain chided just on the edge of losing consciousness but all the while I remembered a certain someone who tried protecting me and even though I don't wanna accept it but it just felt nice knowing someone looked out for you.

Hey I hope you like this story!! Also, this is the first draft with no revisions made so please ignore any grammatical errors or spelling mistakes.

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