Chapter 1

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"The most successful entrepreneurs I know are optimistic. It's part of the job description"
- Caterina Fake, Founder, Flickr

Kiara's POV:
" How dare you do something this reckless? I told you I don't want any mistakes regarding this project. This was supposed to be one of our biggest achievements. Now get the hell out of my sight! Get lost!" I told the employee whose name is still unknown to me.

I stood near the glass gazing down at the people looking like tiny specs from this height talking myself through the situation. Calm down Kiara it's okay. Deep breaths. Hmmm. I don't understand why we hire such reckless people. They don't deserve to be here.

"What happened? Why are you looking so stressed?" I shrieked hearing the voice. I placed a hand on my furiously beating heart.

"Oh my God!!! Dad what are you doing here? You were supposed to be on a holiday with mom. You scared me." I said trying to recover from the shock.

"Now can't I come early to meet my beautiful daughter?" He gives me a smirk.

"Please tell me you guys didn't have a fight. God save me I don't wanna get grinded between these two again. Why does it......."

"Stop your drama! Our fights aren't this serious that you have to trouble God for this. Drama Queen! " He cuts me off. I give him my famous angry look. The one that everyone is scared of. But I know it won't work on him. I'm proved right when I see him throwing a smile my way.

"So now tell me what happened and why did I see Vishal running out of your cabin as if he has seen a monster though I know you are no less than a monster but still..." He trailed of.

I give him a serious look and see him putting his hands up in order to surrender himself and then he asks me to tell him about the current matter at hand.

I tell him how we might miss the deal because of that employee whose name I got to know is Vishal. He didn't say anything. I can see the wheels spinning around in his mind and was about to ask about what he was thinking but then thought it was better to keep my mother shut.

He opened his mouth to say something but again shut it. He did this for few more times. Irritated I ask "What is it dad? You know you can say anything you want."

" Actually you see the thing is I have a proposal for you and I am not sure if you would agree but I think it's for the best and I would like you to think about it with a calm and composed mind before saying anything. I know we are at the top right now because of all your hard work. But please I request you think about this for me at least." He saus slowly as if explaining something to a kindergarten child.

Worriedly I asked," What? What proposal? Are you replacing me? Dad you are not going to throw me off your business. Right? I know I made a mistake this time but trust me I will get this deal back. You know I have worked really hard....." I kept on blabbering.

"Kiara, dear it's not that. I can never think of removing you from your post and mistakes help us learn new things. You need to know how proud I'm of you to have achieved this position at such a young age." He explains.

"Then what are you trying to say?" I raise my eyebrow as now I can sense something fishy going on, seeing his twitchy and nervous movements.

"Well you see the real reason is that you know my friendship with Anmol Khurana and also about our companies being competitors on this project and many other to come our way....Right?" I don't know where this is going but I don't think I will like the way this conversation ends. I nodded urging him to continue. "So to get rid of all this rivalry I think...w-we think that..... youandkabirshouldgetmarried"

" What? I didn't get the last part." I asked skeptically. "You and Kabir should get married." He said it and I try to open my mouth to protest. But I guess it is my time to play open-and-then-shut game. Somehow I gather the courage to speak but shut it looking at the puppy dog eyes he is giving me. He knows I'm a sucker for these. Ughhh!! Why does he know so much about me?

Well he is your dad so I guess he is supposed to know everything.

My stupid subconscious sarcastically remarks. Shut up you idiot. Always appearing at the wrong time. I barked back.

He continues," As you know after marriage both the Singhania Group of Industry and the K&K Company Pvt Ltd will get merged and we will be unbeatable as well as there will be no more competition with my best friend. The cherry on top is that I get to see my daughter married. Please don't say no.... atleast think about it." He leaves the cabin after saying so even without giving me a chance to say anything leaving me flabbergasted.

What am I gonna do? I can say no right? He has not ordered me. Yes, I will say no. I can't get married that to my competitor. Not even in a thousand years. But what I didn't know that the thousand years will be gone so soon.

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