A simple act will spawn a monster

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*Y/n's POV*
I don't have anyone... I don't have a family anymore, I don't have a future really. I know I'm not a great fighter but then a again if I could get through the initiation and qualify then maybe not. All I really have is my semblance, I can manipulate energy to create crystals. With some help I found that I could create weapons using these crystals as a conduit to allow energy to pass through creating a plasma blade. So far I've only been able to create one successful blade which I call a lightsaber.

Ruby: "Y/n! We need to talk to you."

I stand up from the edge of the cliff and sigh. I already know what they want, they've been asking for months now
Weiss: "do you have our crystals yet?"

Y/n: "I already told you guys, Kyber crystals are difficult for me to make! And besides, there is no way you'd be able to house them in your weapons as they are now, I'd have to almost completely restructure your weapons for them to work, that's assuming that it does work!"

Blake: "sounds like you're making excuses."

Yang: "so you wont help us with your semblance, you can't fight like us, and you suck at all subjects. Remind me why you're in the school?"

Y/n: "because I passed the initiation same as you all did."

Yang: "no I know that but why?"

Blake: "y'know I hate to say it Y/n but yeah, you're not really a fighter. Quite honestly. You're just a burden to everyone."

Y/n: "go to hell! I can fight."

Ruby: "then prove it!" Ruby lunges at me, her scythe blade too quick for me to dodge from as she begins to slice into my side. I turn to run only to be blocked off by an ice wall created by Weiss.

Weiss: "no. You said you could fight. Prove us wrong dweeb."

I take a step back and feel some of the loose rocks crumble under my foot and fall into the sea below the cliff. I reach for my lightsaber on my belt, only for it to be pulled away from my grasp by Blakes long ribbon on Gambol Shroud and hurled into the ocean.

Blake: "no weapons. You against us."

Y/n: "four on one? Doesn't seem fair."

Weiss: "who said it would be fair? We just wanna teach you a lesson!"

Yang: "yeah! You're refusing to help us! So we need to show you what happens when you mess with the wrong people!" Yang lunges at me with a shotgun blast to increase her speed. Bringing her fist up she clocks me on the side of the jaw with such force that it pushes me over the edge!

Time stopped... the last moments I remember seeing is them, faces of glee as they watch me fall. My head turns to see the jagged rocks at the bottom of the cl-

*no one's POV*

The girls look over the edge to see Y/n's body implied against the rocks... dead.

Ruby: "Y-Yang... what did you do?"

Yang: "my Oum. We went too far."

Weiss: "we just killed someone..."

Blake: "we just killed a student..."

Ruby: "no we didn't." Everyone turns to Ruby in confusion and grief "we say he fell. It was suicide, we tried to stop him but he let himself fall. We don't tell anyone what we've done. Agreed?"

Yang: "*sigh* agreed."

Blake: "agreed."

Weiss: "agreed."

Ruby: "then we'd better find professor Ozpin. Remember, we're in this together."

The girls began to run towards the school to begin the deception, leaving Y/n's body skewered against the rocks... or so they thought. Y/n took a jagged breath as he began to drown in his own blood, he couldn't feel his arms or legs. His eyes darted around as something began to pull himself and the rock he had stabbed through his chest downwards. The sea breeze and blue sky gave way to a dark red sky and and empty feeling. Was this hell? He felt the rock beneath him land on something, jolting his body which made him scream through a gurgle of blood from his mouth. A soft voice and a gentle hand calmed him as he began to pant franticly.

???: "Watts, save this boy's life. We do not turn our backs on the downtrodden."

Watts: "of course your grace."

Salem loomed over him and she continued to stroke his hair
Salem: "shh child. You'll be alright. My name is Salem, and you are safe."

Watts sedated the boy as he began to scan his body for trauma
Watts: "heart and brain stem are unaffected, his lungs are damaged but I believe I can fix them... the rest I'm afraid wont be salvageable my lady."

Salem: "them we gift this boy a new life. A new body."

Watts: "I shall begin immediately your grace."

Team RWBY had made it to professor Ozpin's office. It hadn't taken much convincing of their story. The remorse they felt worked as a mask for grief. After going to the cliffs with the girls and finding nothing, he concluded that his body would have washed out to sea, leaving no trace of the young man.

Ruby: "shouldn't we tell his parents sir?"

Ozpin: *sigh* "I'm afraid we cannot Miss Rose. Y/n's parents died months ago, he had no family and no place to live. I took pity on him and allowed him to join despite his poor show in the initiation. if I'd have known he would have taken his own life... I'm sorry Y/n. I failed you."

Ozpin walked off sadly as the girls looked at each other, feeling even worse for themselves than before.
Weiss: "we was an orphan... my Oum we bullied him because he couldn't fight."

Yang: "I guess none of us really ever got to know him did we?"

Blake: "we were too obsessed with his crystals to even care about him. We're monsters."

Ruby: "hey! No one has to find out. Remember we stick to our story. Now come on... let's head back to the dorm and sleep."

Yang: "after today... I don't think I can sleep."

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