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Sam's point of view
It's been about 2 weeks since Belle and Colby told us the news about their soon-to-be born baby. I walk into the kitchen, which is empty since Belle and Colby are out looking at baby stuff, and Shannon is still sleeping. I go upstairs to wake him up after I eat. "Shannon"
"Five more minutesssss", Shannon groaned.
I chuckle, "I need to talk to you"
He sat up immediately, "mm, what?"
"I was thinking.."
"Maybe we should be the ones to move out? Instead of Belle and Colby?"
"Because they'll have a baby to look after"
"Our room can become the nursery"
"Mhm, Okay"
"Wanna go look at houses?"
"That was quick, but sure. I'll text Belle"
"Okay". We leave the house and go for a drive.

Shannon's point of view

Belle Brock

Me: Me and Sam are going out
Belle: Sam and I*
Me: Nerd
Belle: 😜😝 Not my fault you're stupid
Belle: Going out on like a date or something?
Me: 1) RUDE! 2) Looking for houses
Belle: Why?
Me: Sam and I (happy?) are going to be the ones who move out, and out room will be the nursery
-Belle is typing-
Me: And no, you're not changing our minds
*Belle stops typing*
Me: I read your mind didn't I?
Belle: Yep
Me: See ya later then
Belle: K, bye

Colby's point of view
Belle looks up from her phone. "Shannon and Sam said that they're moving out and we can't stop them from doing so"
"Oh.. okay"
"And their room will become the nursery"
"It's a nice plan"

Shannon's point of view
"Hey Sam, Imma go for a walk"
"See ya"
"Wouldn't wanna be ya"
I walk off to a café. I get myself a bagel and hot chocolate and sit down. Then a really hot guy walks in. God he looks sexy. He buys his coffee and then starts walking to me. He sits on the other side of my table. "Hey cutie"
"You're cute"
"As the nickname cutie says"
"Smart one"
"I guess"
He moves and slides in next to me. He puts an arm around me. Just then, I see Sam walk in. He scans the room and stops at me, and walks out with tears forming in his eyes. Fuck. "Who was that cutie?"
I hesitate to answer, "no one, but I need to go"
Before I leave he hands me a piece of paper with his number. "Keep in touch..."
"Keep in touch Shannon, and it's Jay"
"See you later Jay". I rush out of the cafe. I text Sam, 'Where are you?'
'What do you care?'
'You're my fucking boyfriend!'
'Not anymore'
'Seriously? Over TEXT?'
'Seriously? Another guy?'
'HE came and sat next to me!'
'Too late Shannon, you didn't bother pushing him away or anything'
'Fuck you'
'Fuck you too, goodbye Shannon'
'Screw you Samuel'
'Oh fuck off Shan'
'Don't call me that'
'Don't tell me what to do'
-Failed Message- 'Im done with this shit'
Fuck sake, he blocked me. I'm done.
I look online and I buy a plane ticket. I'm going back to Australia.

Sos guys, I was having a shitty month, but it's okay, Shannon's not leaving, he never will!

Hugs And Kisses-Sam And Colby Fanfic 💖Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora