Its been a month

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(About a month after the collabs with James and Jeffree. Explicit)
I wake up and immediately go to the bathroom and throw up into the toilet. I sit by the toilet bowl holding my upset stomach with both hands. I close my eyes and lean back, my head against the wall. I hear Colby knock on the door, "you okay Belle? You feeling okay?"
I smile slightly and respond, "just sick, it's okay, I'm fine". Colby stays there for a while, and once I hear his footsteps leave I get up and flush the toilet. I walk downstairs to have breakfast, and find out that Colby made some waffles for me, and put maple syrup on them. "Thank you Colby", I say as I smile weakly.
"Anytime baby, you seem sick"
"Just not feeling well"
"You vomited?"
"Yeah, I'm okay"
"You're pale"
"I always am"
"More than usual"
"Okayyy, you winnnn", I chuckle, "I'm gonna go for a drive"
""Okay baby". We kissed goodbye and I got in the car and drove to the nearest chemist. I went inside and got what I needed and left. When I got back home I went to go put everything I bought away, popping a butter menthol in my mouth. I grabbed out the last item and held it, hesitating. Colby came into the bathroom and saw me holding it. "A pregnancy test.. Do you think we're ready?"
"Yeah, I guess.. I hope so"
"So will this tell us how long you've been pregnant?"
"Yeah. I'm gonna go do it, be right back"
"Okay". After a while I came back out and gave Colby the test. His face lit up. "I'm gonna be a dad.. SAM! SHANNON! HERE! NOW! WE HAVE TEAAAA!" I sit and laugh as I hear Shannon and Sam race to the top of the stairs. Sam won, again. "Oh hey guys, you guys arrived here pretty quick"
"", Shannon says between breaths.
I give him the pregnancy test, "this"
Shannon just sits on the couch with his hand on his forehead. "What the hell, what the hell, what the hell", he repeats over and over again. Sam stands there, frozen, with his mouth wide open just STARING at us.
"I- You-" Sam closed his mouth and eyes and shook his head. Shannon started pacing the room, mumbling to himself.
"You guys, is this bad news?", Colby asks.
Sam started to answer, "Its gre-"
Sam laughs and I giggle. Colby shrugs, "private matters, but it would make sense if it was that day"
"Oh my fucking god"
"Shannon, what are you thinking?", I ask.
"That my BEST FRIEND since HIGH SCHOOL is gonna have a kid, possibly.. I can't fucking wait 8 more months Belle, what the fuck? Can I help name it? And babysit when it's older? And.. OOOOOH! CAN I BE A GODPARENT AS WELL AS SAM?"
"Holy fuck Shannon, calm down. But yes, if it's okay with Colby"
"It would be an honour to have you guys be the godparents"
"Thank you Colby, I can't believe my best bro is getting a child. I'm so proud", Sam says as he puts his hand on Colby's shoulder, both of them starting to cry. I put my arms out and we all go into a group hug.
"Love you guys so much"
"Love you too Belle", Shannon replied.
"Love ya Belby", Sam answered.
"Love you more Baby"
"Love you most Colby"
"Oh thank god, I thought you were gonna call him 'Daddy'", Shannon whiled his forehead and gave a 'phew'.
"Nah". I wink. "That's saved for the bedroom"
"I'm regretting saying that now, I didn't want to HEARRRR THAAATTTTTT". We all laugh and I hug them all again, smiling the whole time. I'm going to be a mum... All these thoughts were swarming in my head, some bad, some good, a mix of both. I want this to be a good thing, and for once, I ignore the bad thoughts.. for now.

Hugs And Kisses-Sam And Colby Fanfic 💖Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu