A pretty fucking awesome baby shower

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Colby's point of view

I open the door for Shannon, Corey, Jake, Aaron, Elton and Brennen. I get hugs from them all. We all go out to the backyard and we all seperate into our own groups. I go grab some Coca Cola. Belle looks beautiful. I can't believe that I'm 7 months I'm going to have a baby. My own baby. Aah the stress but aww the cuteness.

Belle's point of view

I go up to Sam and grab his arm. "Wha-"
"Shut up"
I drag him to Shannon and sit them both down and cross my arms. "Talk". Shannon looks at Sam, then down at his feet. "Fine I'll start, Shannon", I turn and look at him, "would you ever date Jay?"
"No, I only took his number because it would be rude not to. Sam is the only one I love and care for"
"Sam, do you love Shannon?"
Sam shifted, "well yes"
"Guys, look, you guys deserve to be together, don't let a misunderstanding get in the way of your relationship.. I love you guys". I start crying and they both got up and hugged me.
"Love you too Belle"
"Ditto", Sam added.
I leave them to chat and go off to find Corey and Jake being... very touchy. I Lena I go the conversation, "oh just kiss already", and leave with a wink. I look back to see them laughing and.. HOLY SHIT THEY KISSED HOLY FUCK FINALLY IVE BEEN SHIPPING THEM FOR YEARS!
"HEY BELLE!". I go over to where I heard my name being called.
Brennen smirks, "soo you and Colby got active huhhh?"
I gave him my 'yeah yeah screw you' playful face. "Listen here bro", I say (Brennen is like a brother to me), "you will be lumped with looking after the baby sometimes"
"Ooooh yay"
"And Uncle Elton, right?"
"All of you, but mostly Uncle Elton, he's the most responsible"
"Fair, fair". Brennen kisses me in the cheek, hugs me, and leaves. Then Colby comes over.
"Hey baby"
"Hey Colbs"
"You okay?"
"I'm.. scared and anxious for one.. what if I'm not good enough to be a mum? What if I fail? What if it turns out like me?"
"Then I'll be the luckiest guy on earth". I smile weakly. "You're my world Belle, I love you so much"
"I love you too Colby". We stand just hugging each other.
"I'm gonna call everyone over"
"Okay". Colby calls everyone over to us and we all surround our pool. "I kinda wanna go around and see how everyone's doing, I'll start". I shift. "I'm panicking, and I'm just so glad that you guys are all here for me, for us", I grab Colby's hand, "I'm so grateful for you guys". I have tears in my eyes.
Then we went to my right, Colby. "I'm scared that I won't be a good dad. I don't want to do anything wrong and none of you guys are dads so I can't get professional advice". We all laugh. "But I'll let you guys help anyways"
Brennen grinned and started talking, "I'm so happy that my sister from another mister and my best bro are finally having a kid, I'm gonna be an uncle guys! Aah, I'm so excitedddddd"
"I'm finally gonna be Uncle Elton to a baby.. I'm so proud of you guys"
Sam and Shannon were sitting REALLLLLLLYYYYYYYY close, like literally on top of each other, hugging. Shannon starts talking first, "I fucking love you so much Belle. You've done so much for me. You thot"
Sam chuckles and continues on, "you've don't so much for us both". They face each other and kiss.
Aaron goes next. "Since Im the most responsible out of all of you", we all laugh, "I am hoping to look after the kid the most". He looks at Colby and me and I nod, smiling and slightly laughing.
Corey and Jake are holding hands, "Hi, hello. Umm... soooo.... me and Jake mayyyyyy be... together". We all clap, and exclaim and all that.
"I'm so happy that I can be with Corey, and I can't wait to see your kid Colbs. It's weird to think that you're gonna be a DAD. Like what the fuck?"
Brennen pipes up, "do you know if it going to be a girl or boy?"
I turn to face him a bit. "Not yet, I'm going for a scan at three months".
"Aah okay"
"Tell me when the tea is spilled", Shannon winks and I roll my eyes.
We all just chat and mingle and have a little sleepover thing because no one wants to leave. None of us slept really..

Hugs And Kisses-Sam And Colby Fanfic 💖Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora