What happened last night

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I wake up but keep my eyes closed. I feel Colby stir and I open one eye to see him laying there looking at me. (See title picture). "Morning Belby", he smiled and kisses my lips.
"Afternoon actually", I look over behind Colby to see Shannon standing at the door, smirking. Asshole. "So what happened in here huh?
"I don't know what you mean Shannon", I say his name bitterly.
"Don't go getting salty, I can see you had fun"
I blush tomato red and Colby just hugs me, "I'm too lazy to turn around but Shannon, I want to THANK you for doing this 'prank'. I mean, I got something out of it.
"We filmed you guys by the way"
"WHAT?!", I yell, causing Sam to run in wearing a hoodie.
"Everything okay here Shan?"
"Yeah, I just told them we filmed them"
I'm going to slap that cheeky grin off his face, "For Sam and Shannon?"
"Nah, for BCSS", that's our channel for all of us.
I groan and Colby sits up, pulling me up as well. I'm still tired, so I just lean against him. He rests his chin on my head and just stays like that. We stay there while Shannon and Sam 'interview' us about last night. They film pretty much the whole thing. We kiss for the thumbnail and I come up with the caption, 'Belby is real 😱(NOT clickbait)'. When they go up to edit it, Colby and I go off to have something to eat. I make some spaghetti on toast for me and make Colby some toasted cheese sandwiches. I finish first and go up behind him and just hug him while he finishes. We do the dishes and go off to where Shannon is editing.
"Where's Sam?", Colby looks around.
"He went off to get Cory, Jake, Aaron, Brennen and Elton"
"Umm why", I raise an eyebrow.
"We want to celebrate you guys, duhhh"
I slap him slightly, "whyyy"
"Not an answer, it's an-"
"An excuse I knowww"
"We have all been shipping you since day one Belle. Come ON stupid, you're sooo oblivious"
"Well, yeah but stillllll"
"But nothinggg, we're having a party for you and that's that"
"Are Kat and Devyn coming?"
"Of course, they wouldn't want to miss THIS, or my heads gonna roll"
I laugh and squeeze Colby's hand, suddenly nervous. "What if I can't Colby?", I say as I walk to my room.
"What do you mean?", he looks at me, concerned.
"What if I can't tell everybody, 'hey everybody, I'm dating the one and only Cole Robert Brock', sorry for calling you that but it has a better effect"
He laughs at that, "you'll do fine, and if you can't, then I will for you". He leans down and kisses my forehead.
"Thanks Colb", I grin, "this is one of the reasons I love you to bits, you're so supportive of me and care so much. I don't know why you bother.. Wait, why do you even like me though?"
""Because", Colby sighed, "you're cute and funny. You're quirky and amazing. You're goofy and adorable. I could go on for days. I've been literally dying to ask you out but I was to scared of being rejected"
"THE Colby Brock getting rejected?"
"Happened more than you think", he smiled, no teeth showing, "god, you're mine.."
"I am"
"That's amazing", he pulled me in close and hugged me, we just stood there and swayed side to side for ages, neither wanting to ever let go.
"Even IF we break up, we can't let it damage our friendship"
"Of course not", Colby rested his chin on my head, "I wouldn't be able to live with it"

Hugs And Kisses-Sam And Colby Fanfic 💖Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя