Lost Friendship

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Lance found himself crying in joy at seeing Hunk despite the fact Romelle's dead body was nearby. His lip formed into a pout. "I am so glad to see you."

Hunk looked up at Lance in horror. "Romelle's dead?"

"Well, yeah."

"Did you kill her?"

"Why do you think I killed her?"

"Because you killed me?"

Lance opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Hunk brought up a point Lance would much rather forget. "I... I didn't mean to."

"You meant to." Hunk looked back at Romelle, but his look of horror didn't go away. "Poor Romelle."

"Poor Romelle? Her ghost claimed Allura didn't know it was a date!"

Hunk turned and looked at Lance, but the horror was evident. "That's the most important thing to you?"


Hunk let out a sigh. "Well, that actually makes sense I think."

"What do you mean?" Lance swallowed.

"Now that I think of it, you didn't tell Allura it was a date. You both played it up as if Allura was, in fact, going to your family's house for the chance to relax because that was what she needed."

"Yeah, the date was what she needed."

Hunk's mouth pressed together. "Was it?"

"She enjoyed the dinner, but my romantic confession. I told her I wanted to be her family and that Earth could be her home. I told her I would go with..."

Hunk's eyes widened in horror. "You didn't."

"I did."


"It was a beautiful confession."

"No, it wasn't."

"Come on! I said I'd go wherever she wanted to go!"

"You said you wanted to be her family, but all of us were already her family."

"That's not..."

"That is most certainly true, but you effectively told her that having you was dependent on only you being her family."

"Doesn't that mean she wanted to be with me?"

"How? You gave her an ultimatum that pretty much said if you want a chance at happiness you've got to choose me fully."

"Isn't that what love is about."

"No. The fact you said she was family rather than something more tells me you don't know what love is."

"And you would know?"

Hunk let out a deep breath before turning and looking at Romelle. "Did you kill Romelle?"

"No! I don't know who killed Romelle."

"You don't?" Hunk looked at him in surprise. "No idea?"

"Well, Keith says he saw Allura do it, but I think Keith is just jealous of the fact Allura was with me and is attempting to tarnish the beautiful thing we have."

"There is nothing beautiful about your and Allura's relationship!" Hunk's voice rose, but he wasn't at the point of yelling. "You effectively compared her to family, but you're being possessive of her!"

"I am not!" Lance rose his voice as well.

"Yes, you are." Hunk lowered his voice. "I should never, ever have supported you in asking Allura out."

"Come on Hunk. That's what friends do, plus you knew I was nervous about asking her out."

"We're not friends anymore. I don't want to be friends with someone who cares more about himself than his own friends, but the Lance I once knew would never have hesitated in asking a girl out. I should have known then something was wrong."

"Come on Hunk. You can't be serious. I'm not a ladies' man."

"Yes, yes you are." Hunk glanced away. "You love flirting with females and you love their attention."

"I decided to give that up for Allura."

"No, you didn't. You're putting a mask on your real self because you thought it would impress her, but your true colors kept showing through."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Do you remember when Allura was upset because her people were suffering?"


"She said something about you, not understanding."

"Yeah. I told her I might not understand, but I did understand what it was like to have someone I care for hurting."

"You put your feelings before hers, but you utilized your own feelings and manipulated her into apologizing for the way she felt. Keith on the other hand..."

"Don't! Why is it everyone is bringing up Keith!"

"Because maybe, just maybe the reason the universe is so messed up is because those two are meant to be together because that's what we call fate. It doesn't matter what universe it is, but true soul mates will always find each other."

"Are you saying I'm not her soul mate?" Lance pointed at the marks on his face. "This is proof that I am?"

"Is it?" Hunk glanced at the ground. "Why didn't she come back with you? Her sacrifice always felt unnecessary. It felt like there was another option."

"So all of this is my fault?"

"You're the one who thought it was a good idea to bring her back by sacrificing the rest of us."

"I said I would do anything."

"That's just it. Doing anything isn't a sign of love Lance. It's a sign of possessiveness. A person who really loves someone will let them go."

"She was dying."

"She was in a comma, but you didn't give anyone the chance to find a cure."

"Lance..." Keith came through the wall but stopped upon seeing Hunk. "Um..."

"Hi, Keith."

"What do you want now?"

"Allura tried killing Kolivan."

"See. This is why I don't believe him that she's doing the killing."

"Really?" Keith glared at Lance. "She killed your sister. And Kolivan is dead. The airlock mysteriously..."

"Shut up Keith and go away! Stop saying bad things about Allura! Go away and get out of my life! Stop trying to steal everything for yourself!"

Lance's words of course hurt which resulted in a very pained look from Keith. He turned, though, and left. Hunk glared at Lance. "This is why we're no longer friends Lance."

"You're choosing him over me?"

"I should never have had to choose between the two of you. That said, I'm reminded of something else. Do you remember when we were discussing the cartoon?"

"Yeah. You said I was the one most like myself."

"I was wrong. True, the two of you are a ladies' man, you look the most like your counterpart, but you don't have any of his integrity. Keith, it's understandable he's not happy like that Keith is, and despite the fact our Coran is a goofballl he is still very super serious when we're in trouble. Allura was different, but I think now it was because she was hurting and not happy. But I also remember how you said it should be Allura and you as if she didn't have any choice."


"Don't deny it. The only choice you ever give people is yourself. I can't be a friend with someone like that."

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