Mocking Bird

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"Hello, Coran."

"So, you can't look me in the eye?" Lance took a deep breath and turned around to face Coran's ghost. The red-haired Altean stood floating in the air with his arms folded across his chest. "That's more like it. You still didn't answer my question."

"Of course, Allura is important to me?"

"Then why is your happiness more important than hers? Why is your happiness more important than anybody else?"


"Isn't that what asking if nobody cares about your happiness implies?"

"I made Allura happy."

"Did you?"

"What do you mean did I?"

"Were you the one she wanted to be with?"

"Allura and I were meant to be together!"


"Because I say so!"

"But not because Allura said so."

"She said she loved me and gave me these marks."

"Why would she do that if she actually believed you two were meant to be together? Why didn't she just walk out with you?"


"Lance!" Keith's voice made Coran and Lance turn their heads as Keith came through the infirmary door.

Lance narrowed his eyes at Keith. "Now you show up?" He pointed his thumb at his dead sister. "This is because of you."

Keith looked at Veronica and the color drained from his face if this was at all possible for a ghost. "That..."

"Isn't it?"

"We have bigger problems than that!"

"Than the fact, Allura killed my sister?"

"Allura just killed Romelle."

Lance's eyes widened. "What? Where?"

Keith dashed off through the door and Lance followed after him. Eventually, they arrived at the girl's bathroom. When Lance stepped into the bathroom, he saw overflowing from the sink onto the floor. The mirror in front of the sink was broken and some of the glass was on the floor.

Romelle lay on the flow with her bright blue eyes staring up at the ceiling. A few small pieces of glass were embedded into her skin, but blood stained her beautiful blonde hair. Water dripped from the corner of her mouth. Lance didn't like looking at her face and let his eyes drift down. The front of her clothing was soaked with water and clung to her figure.

"What perverted thoughts young man!"

"Get your mind out of the gutter Lance!"

"What!" Lance looked up to see ghost Keith glancing off in embarrassment. "Oh. You had the hots for Romelle did you."

"I'm going to go see where Allura is now."

"Why? She's not your girlfriend. Why didn't you try and stop her from killing Romelle."

"I tried. It's as if Allura couldn't see or hear me, almost as if something were blocking me from communicating with her." Keith went through the wall.

"Good riddance! You're an annoyance!" Lance glanced back at Coran who gave him a rather disgusted look. "What?"

"You were thinking that, if Romelle wasn't dead, you would like to ravage her. Yet you claim you're the one meant to be with Allura."

"At least I wasn't thinking of fucking Romelle's dead corpse! There's nothing wrong Coran with thinking about what kind of awesome sex I'd be able to get from Romelle. There's nothing wrong with thinking about the fact she never got to be with a guy carnally." A sob suddenly echoed through the bathroom making Lance turn towards one of the bathroom stalls. "What was that?"

"You really don't think there was anything wrong with what you said?" Coran folded his arms across his chest in annoyance.

"No, listen." The sobbing continued and Lance approached the stall. He pushed the stall open and saw Romelle sitting on the toilet sobbing.

"It's so cold. So very cold."

"Romelle, what happened?"

The blonde haired Altean looked up with tears streaking across her face. "Allura..."

"Allura was here, wasn't she?"

"She was mad at me."

Coran frowned. "Why would she be mad at you dear girl?"

"Because..." Romelle sobbed. "She didn't know the date with Lance was a date until after she agreed. She thought he'd asked her as a friend."

Lance felt the color drain from his face, but his throat tighten. "No. That can't be. Keith said Allura wouldn't have gone on a date with me if she didn't like me, but she said she loved me before she left. You're lying."

Romelle burst into more tears. "I'm telling the truth."

"I believe you." Coran's ghost walked forward and hugged Romelle's ghost. "And, I forgive you." Romelle let out a few more sobs before disappearing. Coran turned and glared at Lance. "So, you didn't tell Allura she was going on a date when you asked her out?"

"I..." Lance glanced away. "You know, you're one to talk. You weren't going to let it be her choice either and was walking me through all of those steps. I bet you wouldn't have done that for Keith."

"You're right. I wouldn't have done that for him."

Lance clenched his hands together before turning towards Coran. "What the hell! Why is it everyone prefers Keith over me? Why is he so important, huh?' Coran simply looked at Lance as if he were missing the point. "That's why, isn't it? What's so special about Keith, huh?" Coran opened his mouth to say something but instead started disappearing just like Veronica and Romelle did. "Wait! Don't go! Please!"

He reached out for Coran's ghost only to find thin air where Allura's advisor once stood. Lance glanced down at the ground. He'd known full well Coran never wanted him to date Allura, but that Coran disapproved of the relationship. Lance chalked the entire thing up to Coran being a stickler for traditions, yet also not thinking Lance was good enough for Allura.

The idea Allura didn't think he was inviting her out on a date never occurred to him, nor did the idea of Coran disproving because he knew Allura didn't share Lance's feelings. "No. Uh, uh. There is no way that Allura didn't know that it wasn't a date. I mean, who wouldn't know it was a date."

"Actually..." Hunk's voice stopped short and Lance turned to see his dead best friend looking at Romelle's dead body in horror.

Devil's Advocate (Voltron: Legendary Defender Fanfic/ONC Entry)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin