Awakening Beauty

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The time had come.

Lance found himself looking down at his sleeping beauty. In the back of his mind, he wished Allura was laid out like one of the Disney Princess' in her gown with her arms crossed elegantly and yet he settled for gazing down at her beautifully shaped face and angelic features. Her white hair made him sniff slightly as one finger ran under his nose; he was a lucky man to have such a beautiful future bride.

Still holding onto the blade with one hand Lance leaned over and pushed his lips against Allura's, but kept them there for a long period of time simply because he could. After all, nobody could stop him as Coran and everyone else standing in front of him and his love – his soul mate – was gone. She was all his, and now nobody could take her away. The corners of his mouth twisted in glee. but he said, "Don't worry Allura. Soon you'll be awake and we'll be together, forever."

Lance stood up straight and held the blade in both hands and took a deep breath, He held it over her chest almost as if he were going to plunge it into her, and yet he didn't. Instead, a black ooze began pouring out of the blade onto Allura and covering her slowly. From behind the door swished open and someone stepped into the room. Angrily, Lance turned and glared at the person. "Don't stop me! I'm going to..."

Veronica stood there staring at him with her mouth open. "Lance. What have you done?"

"I..." Lance felt his mouth twist slightly. The guilty feeling he felt after killing Hunk started creeping back up on him as he continued standing over Allura letting the black substance ooze over her. The horror on Veronica's face became quite evident in indicating he'd crossed the line, and yet in the back of his head, Lance kept telling himself he'd do anything to wake Allura up so they could be together.

"Were you really ready for your family to hate you for eternity?"

"What do you mean? I am doing the right thing, right? They were corrupted."

"What do you mean they were corrupted, Lance!" Veronica's voice strained, but the fact she repeated what he said meant she heard what he said. She swallowed. "Lance, please tell me you didn't kill the others! Why would you..."

"I told you. They were corrupt."

"Corrupt?" Veronica reached her hand out only for her hand to be zapped by a dark forcefield which was between Lance and his sister. She held her hand and closed her eyes in pain but held her hand. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes. "What do you mean by the others being corrupt?"

"Keith wanted to steal Allura from me."

"Allura doesn't belong to anyone Lance."

Lance didn't hear her and simply continued wagging his tongue. After all, there was no way his darling sister would ever lecture him, but she would understand what he was doing. And yet in the back of his mind, he heard what she said. The humming seemed to block the thoughts which resulted directly from what she said. "And then Shiro favored Keith and made him his teacher's pet."

"There was a reason for that."

Lance, of course, heard that. "There is no reason for ever favoring someone over another."

"Lance, this wouldn't be because you think mom and dad favored us older kids more than you?"

"What? No?" Lance tilted his head slightly and yet found himself straining to look at Veronica as his knife was still over Allura. He glanced back and forth rapidly before stopping to look at Veronica. "Why would you think that? No, everyone in the family appreciates my greatness."


"You know, how amazing I am."

"I guess..."

"Oh, and Pidge was being selfish. She wanted me all to herself and wouldn't let me be with Allura. Kind of a stalker I think..."

"Lance, I don't think."

"That, or she's mad that Keith would reciprocate her feelings. No guy would."

"Lance!" Veronica's voice strained as she yelled. "What about Hunk?"

"Hunk?" Lance glanced at the ground. "Keith corrupted Hunk. Hunk was no longer Hunk, so I put him out of his misery."

"Are you hearing yourself speak?"

"Yes. As for Coran, he didn't want to be with Allura. Nobody did."

"Lance, I think you're paranoid, but where did you get that blade."

"From an evil looking Slav." The words rolled off his tongue and yet the humming prevented him from actually thinking about what he said. He instead turned back towards Allura and saw the black ooze like substance covering her, but the blade wasn't leaking any more ooze. Lance lowered the blade and he turned his head towards Veronica. "Hey, could you give us some privacy."


"When Allura wakes up we're going to make out and would enjoy a bit of privacy." Lance winked at his sister and yet didn't pick up on how frustrated she seemed.


"It's not my fault..."

"Get your mind out of the gutter!" Veronica snapped at him. "Allura isn't a prize. She is a human being with feelings and free will. That means she has the ability to make her own decisions and they won't necessarily involve you the way you want them to!"

"Come on." Lance let out a chuckle. "Your just jealous that you've never had a boyfriend as handsome as my Allura is beautiful."

He turned his head back towards Allura. When he first held the knife above her and let the ooze created from the blood of corruption cover her she neither smiled or frowned, but now her lips twisted into a frown. Her fingers began to twitch slightly but slowly increased in rapidness. Lance felt his excitement grew and his own fingers twitched.

"She's going to wait. Your bride..." The voice in his head laughed almost in a mocking manner. "...she's going to wake."

Allura's eyes opened.

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