Chapter 5

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-Luke's pov-

I rang Drea to apologize, hoping she would answer..

"Hello? Drea? I-im sorry bout what happened earlier on.. I guess i was just having a grumpy morning and went i to the kitchen to get some drink and i saw calum and u n i just got mad.. Sorry." I lied. I guess i was just abit jealous..

"Haha Lukeyy its alrighttt"

"Drea.. I umm i gotta tell you something "


"I-I umm I kinda like-"

"LUKE WE'RE HOMEEEE"my parents yelled.

"Crap! im sorry Drea.. My parents just came back home.. Tell u another timee yeah? Byeee.. And takee care"

I said before hanging up. Should i tell her? What if our friendship breaks? We have been friends for like forever.. Should i?

- Drea's pov-

Hmm..what did Luke wanted to tell me? Sighh.. Nevermind. I shall go on facebook for awhile. Kinda bored.

I logged into facebook and a message popped up.

'Heyy! Sorry bout what happened just now' -Calum

'Naah. Its fine." -Adrea

"Drea, you free tomorrow? May i take you to dinner?" -Calum

"Haha ouh sure Calum. That'd be cool:D" -Adrea

"Yay! Its a date set! ill pick you up at 7 and dress nice ;)" -Calum

"Nono i mean a date settled like the timing ..not an actual date.. That is if you don't mind then its like a date.. Never mind just let me jump off the building right now.." -Calum

"Haha no Calum please dont dieee:-( its cool:D a date it is!" -Adrea

"YESSS. Score for Calum :-) pick u up at 7;-) " -Calum

"Okieee:-) " -Adrea

OH MY GOSHHH! I cant belive Calum asked me out. SQUEEEEE:D i cant wait !! WAIT ..WHAT WOULD LUKE SAY ABOUT THIS?!? WHAT IF HE FINDS OUT? Shit..

"Hey wait Calum!!" -Adrea

I left Calum a message .. Only to find that he went offline. Never mind then.. Ill just have to go and pray that Luke wont find out.

So any ideas what Luke was about to tell Drea?  haha leave a comment to tell me what you think bout this chapter yeah? Do remember to vote, like and share :D Thank you :D!!

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