Chapter 1

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Hey! This is my first time writing a fanfic, sooo do comment below and tell me how this yeah? THANK YOU xxx

"Adrea! Im going out now! I left some money on the table if you need. Take care while im gone yea? AND DONT MESS UP THE HOUSE!!" Mom yelled.

"Alright mom! I may be going to Luke's house for awhile! Kinda bored here!"

"Okay but make sure you dont do anything stupid!"

"MOM! Just go already! We've known him for life! Of course i wouldnt do that !" Urgh i hate it when my mom does this..

"Haha . Okay take care and be back by 9!" Mom said while leaving the house. I quickly texted luke that ill be right over in an hour.

I got changed in a plain white jumper and just some black leggings. I tied up my hair into a messy bun and wrapped my head with a bandana as a headband. I applied some light make up and was off to Luke's house.


"Hey there drea! My friends are in the living room.we just finished our band practice . Wanna go meet them?" Luke said while giving me a warm friendly hug.

"U-u-uh luke? U know how much i suck at making frie-"

"Oh cmon drea.. Theyll love you! Just make sure you dont date any of them. "

"I-im not s-sure."

"Oh shut up" Luke said as he grabbed my by the wrist and dragged me to the living room.

" Guys, this is my best friend. Almost like a sister, Adrea."

The boys stood up greeting me one by one.

Woah they were all so hot and cute-

Wait shut up drea! They're Luke's friends!

"Hey adrea, im ashton!" A boy with a bandana over his head said cutting me off my thoughts,while giving me a hug.

"Im Michael!" A green-haired boy said while hugging me as well.

"I-I umm i am C-calum." A boy with beautiful brown eyes said while standing awkwardly in front of me.

"Arent you gonna hug her? WHISPERS she smells great!" Michael said while pointing at me.

"Why, thank you" i laughed as a blush crept up my cheeks. Calum hugged me n damn that boy smelt nice too.


Calum backed off as we looked at Luke.

"Ouh sorry . My throat just felt a little weird. Anyways lets watch a movie!"

"Nooooo imm hungryyyy!" Michael groaned.

"Well my parents are out of town soo-"

"PIZZAAA YAYYY" michael squealed like a little 5-year old.


After eating, we were watching Mean Girls.

"What time is it now?" I asked looking around.

"9:46 pm. Why?"

"Crap! Im supposed to be home by 9! See ya guys. Nice meeting u all! Ive gotta go!"

"Bye Drea! Nice meeting you too!" Luke's friend said in harmony while Luke opened the door for me.

"Hey Drea, wait umm. You free to go out for lunch tomorrow? My parents are out and i-"

"Yeah sure. Just text me .i gotta go" i said cutting Luke off.

Best friend's mate ( a calum hood fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now