Chapter 3

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*later that night*

From: lukey luke:D

Heyy . Sorry about those awkward moments when Calum just kept staring at you. Xx

To: lukey luke:D

Haha! Its finneeee. He is kinda cute though. Anything on tomorrow? Xx

From: lukey luke:D

Hey! No dating my friends! Yep. The boys n i are coming over to my place for a band practice and sleepover. Wanna join? Xx

To: lukey luke:D

Sure hope my mom allows though! Ill ask her nowww. Tell u later xx

"MOM!!!!!" I yelled from my


"MOMMYYY!" No answer

Sigh.. I went down to look for my mom ,only to find a note on the table:

Out with my friends tonight. Call me if you need anything -love, mom

Urgh. My mom is always out in the night with her friends. Who are her friends anyways? I quickly texted my mother to ask her if im able to go to Luke's house for a sleepover.

From: mommy-love

Sure thing honey! Just be back by 10 in the morning! And dont do anything stupid!

Firstly, he is almost like a brother to me and secondly, eww! Why is my mom's contact saved as 'mommy-love' thats just gross. Anyways YAYYYYYY.


To: lukey luke:D

Yay! Mom says yess! But i have to be back home by 10 in the morning.

From: lukey luke:D

Great! See ya at the small apartment behind my house!


"Heyy Drea!" Luke said fixing his hair before pulling me in a hug.

"Hey Drea!" "Hi Drea!" The boys said together.

"Hi boys!" I said smiling at each of them.

"So you ready to watch us play?" Luke said picking up his guitar.



"Woah!!! That was great!" I said clapping and jumping up and down like a 6-year-old.

"Hahah! So since you've watched us play, its your turn!!" Calum said smirking.

"Me?what?no! I cant sing!!" My eyes widened at the thought of singing infront of others.

"Yeah! Thats right Calum. She doesnt want to. Dont make her" Luke said as he shot Calum a stare.

"Haha! You two stop it. Youre acting like 3 year olds!" I laughed.

"Damn! Says the one who was clapping and jumping up and down!" Calum teased.

"Dont tease me!" I said smiling and laughing.

"Urgh lets just get back inside the house" Luke said rolling his eyes and scoffing.

"Woah. Sure thing mr grumpy" i said as we all packed up and get inside the house .


"Truth or dare?" Michael asked me.

"Truth." I said awaiting for my question.

"Urgh no fun! Anyways, would you date any of us and who?"

Shit. Not that question..just randomly pick someone drea cmon.

"U-uh umm yes and Calum"

Freak! Why did u have to pick him Drea. No!! Shit.

"Urgh." Luke scoffed

"Its late. Im going off to sleep. Nights guys"

"What?! Its only 9!" Ashton said

"PARTY POOPERRR" michael yelled making everyone laugh.

"Im just tired okay?! " luke snapped.

"You coming over Drea?"

"No umm im not that tired now." I said.

"Yeah fine. Whatever. Stay with your Calum" Luke scoffed and walked away.

Damn. Whats wrong with him? He sounds like a little girl on puberty. Whys he so snappy all of a sudden?

Hey so heres Chapter 3. Hows it so far?hope its greatt! Anyways, what you guys think? Whats wrong with Luke yeah?

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