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I was here getting ready for my future life in LA I never been there but when I see movies its beatifull. I was packing in my room when someone noc my door I never imagine someone will never kick my door because I was packing and every ones knows that besides, can be Cameron because he live with me.

Come in - I think was Cameron, but it was Austin.

Hi - he said kinda nervous

Hi - my eyes was focus on packing

So.... you are going to LA? - he ask

Yes , its exciting! - I response cheerfully

Well... you have really have to go? - he said

Mm.. yeah its a great opportunity for me. - I said and his beatifull hazel eyes was over me.

But you can act here, I will made Gil find something to you. Please stay!

Austin what are you doing here, anyways? - I was confused, he came closer and closer , I was confused and keep closer and he hugs me and then he get away and he puts his warm hands in my face and kiss me then harder and harder, I couldn't help but I put my hands in his back. He was so sexy in that way, we sit in my bed because it was in the left side. So Austin and I lay down on it . He start to  feel my back. One and over was really relaxing and we was still kissing, he start to get his hoodie off and I realize was happening. And I push him away.

What the F***?! I throw to him his hoodie I covered my eyes to not cry IM 13!

I'm sorry... -he said

JUST LEAVE! - I was really mad.

(Austin POV)

I never think I will DO THAT! it was my fault I need to confesed myself, I was in the hallway and I put my hoodie on and I start to walk to department I was ask myself WHY I RUIN EVERYTHING WITH HER? she will defenly going to LA. Why? I enter to my room and I saw Alex.

How was it? - he told me

Mm mm.....well - I lie

You are red! - Alex scream

I'm not! - I respond

Yes you are! You are lying! All we know you are red when you lie! What happen in there?! - he respond

Ok ok ok ..... you got me! I almost have SEX WITH HER! YOU HEAR ME!


YES I KNOW but I love her with all this! - I keep calm and I point my heart

Ok, but how you will keep her in here? -he ask

I will not- I said

What?! I think you love her! - he said I look down

That's why! She want this I will leave her to take her own way - I said when I saw a photo of her in my wallpaper on my phone.

That's stupid! - he said loud

What is stupid? - jess come in

Austin will let Liz to "to take her own way" after he had sex with her.- I want to kill him why he told her!

Two things, why you have sex with her she is 13?! And that is not stupid. - Jess told me

I don't know it just happen and we almost we didn't do it! And thanks for the support. - I tell her

So you will not do nothing? - She ask me

Yes... - I keep the calm

Ok that is the good opcion. Good luck with that! - she get up from the chair

Wait.. what?- I get confused

Yeah... its difficult to free the person you love. And more if that person move.- its true how I will deal with that if I have my tour soon.

Love Boss:AUSTIN MAHONE fanficWhere stories live. Discover now