New Girl... Is Jess

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All we went to yougurt land a froyo store in Miami with great things....we was looking for Alex and Jess.

-Hey Jess-i scream to her-Find you Girl

-Oh no! she said -What are u doing here Liz I have a date here-she whisper

-wo wo wo..... this is a date,that's why you leave me in the concert ,a date? I ask soooo mad of her.

-Yes sorry,but you know me,and see him he is hot!girl. she said

(Austin POV)

-So this is a date then Alex? I ask

-Yes-  you are mad? he ask

-Well you are lucky, she pretty,bro.- I said cheerfully

- I know,man

(Liz POV)

-Well Im mad but I have great news for you!

-Really? What is it? she ask so excited

-You want to be the new dj of AUSTIN MAHONE?! IASK

-Yes,wait this is a joke? she ask me bad

-no I said.

-YES I WANT TO BE HER DJ AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! WE BOUT SCREAM.then the manager Gil come to us.

-But you need to pass a test, first.

-Ok but when?she ask serius

-Tomorow in ur house with Austin,the penthouse.ok there?

-Cool see ya there tomoroow.

-Or you can sleep with us. A woman ask, she look young with brown hair and dark eyes with a mother look.- Hi I'm Michelle Austin's mom. I was right like ussually.- We have a avabible room for guests but we can turned to be your permant room, its ok?

-Okay, but Gil!!!!!-she scream

-What? he said

-You have a job for her- she pointed me.

- Sure i think so. he said

-WAIT JESS-i grabbed her and drive her to a corner. What the heck are u doing?

-Well I'm kinda scared and you don't want to be with me? making a sad puppy face.

-Well i do but what about school?

-You can do home school with me.

-Ok but let me see the jobs.ok?

-Cool,Gil?! She scream

-What? he said coming to us

- what jobs you have? I said

-i need a hacker.he said

-What is that? I ask confused.

-Well you need to Check Austins Youtube channels coments,The mahomies twitter, the fan page of Austin,the facebook page of Austin and proced and calculating how many mahomies we have and what mahomies become directioners or smilers or etc. ok? he ask

-That's easy I can do it I awnsered

-Ok let's go home- Austin said cheerfully WOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!!

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