Austin ......Dancing?

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(Liz POV)

it was super earlier in the morning like 5:30 a.m. but it was okay for me,but the case here is Austin,because he sleep all..... day an today is. Friday so thats way he will sleep like to 3:00 p.m. so. i need to wake up him for the practice I was ready with my shorts and my black t-shirt so I went to the elevator and I elevate like 3 floors and I nock the suite door of Austin department. I no k like 5 times and no one opened,but like for me the door was open,lucky.......I went to his room and close the  carefully and...... PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!! I sound the wistle-


-Liz the practice start at 6:30 and its 5:43 let me sleep. GEEZEE!- he excuse

- nothing of Geezee you need to woke up now!!!!! gGO GO GO!!! he start to do his things like taking I shower and he was in the bathroom more than a hour so I tell Alex to get in there and wsoke up him. he do so we do the rest of the things and we leave like at 5:51

-ok that was a good staring for the week. -i tell him

-thanks -he said, so we get to the studio like one minute earlier and we start to practice it was like a little musical about a geek (Austin) who fall in love wit a bad girl(me) so he will tried everything,but he gets with her because his money (he was rich)  and we are going to dance What about love? and mmm yeah,Men,we practice like two hours and he didn't learn to much like the we went to his aparment again and I was worry how I'm going to do to teach him new moves?,so I need inspiration from youtube and HOLY GOD!!! I FOUND THE AWNESER in the video of what about love? and I see cool moves but I need to practice,so I practice all the choreografic of the video,but I didnt get one move so I need to practice with Shakinna the choreografer of Austin.

(Austin POV)

I WAS SUPPER... WEAK I NEED TO EAT SOMETHING ,SHIT!!!!!so I went to my fridge and look for something to eat.

-how was the practice?- Jess said

-not good at all - I said looking for a soda

- why?

- because I didn't get all the moves! let me eat please ok?!

-sorry - she said lightly

- oh I'm sorry I didn't eat nothing.

-oh its ok - she said,I get one chicken from last night and a orange soda and I sit in my couch and I get the first bit and it was like HEAVEN I was really hungry I turned on my lapop to search a video and I found a video of Xmob was trending on the youtube cast and I was Liz in a beautifull red dress so sexy and was SINGING SHE WAS AMAZING  I didn't know she sings wow I was in shock.

(Jess POV)

wow Alex and I was kissing in he's room, with a lot of passion like he never did was like heaven.

- I love you Jess - said in the middle

- love you too - I said we was just making out - hey can ask you something?

-of course

- well its about Austin he is good dancer? - I ask

- Why you want to know?

- well because,Liz going to dance with him in Nacional TV and I want to know.

- Austin its not a professional and the only dance he know its the dougie and its weird when he does that,but resuming his bad.

- poor Liz.- and was kissing again

(Liz POV)

I was with Austin in the studio ready to practice.

-ok Austin we are going to do the moves on what about love ok? ok let's start then!!


- 2 days later after the show.

God job Austin!!! - I tell him

- its a honor - he joked

- ok well we need to get home let's go! - I said cheerfully,when we was out a lot fans was in the backstage like usually in Austin life , but for my suprise they don't want Austin,no THEY WANT ME! someone was screaming my name,others was LOVE YOU LIZ! ,others CAN I GET A SELFIE WITH YOU. cool I never expect that.

so I run to the car of Austin to drive me home.

- ok that was INSANE right?

- yeah,I never expect that.

well let's go -i said  and I girl literally jumped to the car and then she fall,poor girl.

-well that was insane too. I joked then like at 10 we park in the parking lot and the press was there I run,again,to the hotel and I went to the elevator with Austin and we was kinda awkward and he...

- I know you have your department but if you want to have a sleepover with us,to celebrate our show,what do you think? he ask me

- well that sounds great, okay its a deal.

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