I stifled a laugh, finding her straightforward statement amusing.

I felt like if I had said that he would have sent my head rolling. I involuntarily shuttered at the thought.

He must've noticed my action, suddenly turning his attention towards me, tilting his head to the side staring at me.

"How is your shoulder?" he suddenly asked.

"It's...sore. I want to visit the healer today," I didn't want to tell him how much it actually hurt.

He nodded right when our food made its way to our table.

We ate in general silence, the only conversation was from Octavia asking me questions, and us making jokes.

In the small amount of time, I've spent with her, I've started to like her a lot. She was easy to talk to and reminded me so much of Leora.

I was happy she was willing to befriend me since her brother didn't seem willing to.

He didn't say anything else the entire time we ate. All he did was stare at me with an unreadable expression. It made me feel uneasy, causing me to unintentionally squirm now and then.

I looked up, momentarily caught in his gaze, as we held each other hostage, neither one of us willing to be the first to break eye contact.

He shifted in his seat a bit before breaking his eye contact with me.

I win, I smiled to myself.

I took the opportunity of him looking somewhere else to examine him.

His strong jawline was partly hidden by some light stubble that graced his face, his nose was similar to Octavia's, perfectly rounded and pointed. My eyes traveled down his face more, where I found myself focusing on his lips.

They were full and pink and looked soft.

I wonder how it would be to kiss him...

I wanted to slap myself in the face for saying that, but my wolf seemed to agree in my wonder.


When we finished eating, Alpha Jett told me he would like to introduce me to a few people. Octavia promised she would meet me later, giving me a quick wave before she left.

I silently followed him back through the house, a sense of awkwardness coming over me.

I think it must've been the situation because he didn't look very comfortable either.

I was usually much more carefree and talkative in my home pack, but here it scared me to step out of bounds with this Alpha.

One wrong move, who knows what would happen, I wasn't sure if he would intentionally hurt me or not.

We walked back into the main recreational room; couches were surrounding a tv against a wall, a ping pong table in the far right corner of the room, an air hockey table in the middle. There weren't very many people in the room, but yet again it was still early.

My gaze traveled around the room, settling on three people laughing with each other on one of the couches. Alpha Jett made their way over to them; I quickly followed behind.

"Rook, Athena, Ryker" he huffed.

They bowed in acknowledgment, as he sat down, looking exhausted for it only being 10 am. He waved me over to sit by him, I took small steps to reach the couch, opting to stand instead.

He rolled his eyes at me but didn't say anything.

"This is our Beta, Rooks" Alpha Jett motioned towards a guy sitting on the left. His dark skin had a healthy glow to it. He had short cropped black hair, sharp features with dark eyes. His smile reached his eyes as he greeted me, giving me a small wave.

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