Chapter 4

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"I'm afraid we'll always be a book with the end pages ripped out."

~ Madisen Kuhn


Reba just finished having a light breakfast. She was planning on taking a quick shower before she head to Narvel's place to accompany him to his doctor's appointment.

She just finished putting away the cup that she used for her coffee when her phone rang.

The redhead wiped her hands on the towel beside her and walked toward her phone that she left on the counter. She picked it up and a smile graced her lips when she noticed it was Shelby calling.

"Hey Shelbilly!"

Shelby smiled on the other line and shook his head, "Hey mom,"

"How are ya honey? How was Germany?"

Shelby just arrived from a two-week work tour in Germany accompanied by Marissa.

"Worked hard, played harder," he replied chuckling.

"Ooh, I bet," Reba smiled but rolled her eyes shaking her head. She moseyed toward the entrance of her kitchen and made her way upstairs to her room.

"Listen, mom.." Shelby replied seriously, wanting to just get to the point. "I'm calling cause I wanna ask you something. You see, I went out to grab a cup of coffee and walked pass a news stand and I saw at least three magazines claiming you're back with dad? What's going on? Where's Matthew?"

Reba just made it to her room and had to stop walking as her son's words registered and shocked her. What the heck?!

"No, that's not...I mean.." she couldn't form words. Good lord, what if Matthew saw any of those magazines? The photographer's possible reaction immediately crossed her mind. She hadn't spoken to him yet because she was planning on fixing her life first--she wanted to make sure all was back to the way they were supposed to be before she reach out to Matt again.

"Mom?" Shelby asked, when his mother stopped talking. He was hoping the gossip magazines got it wrong, but he wanted to hear it directly from his mother. He normally wouldn't believe any of the gossip rag anyway, but his sister, Chassidy, let it slip that Reba and Narvel were spending a lot of time together lately, what with Reba accompanying Narvel on his checkups. No one knew where Laura was when she's the one who was supposed to be with Narvel.

Reba sighed and made a mental note to call Justin right after her conversation with Shelby. She didn't need these stupid gossip magazines dragging her even farther away from Matthew.

She took a deep breath as she continued her walk and sat on her bed. She had to gather enough marbles before she could explain everything to Shelby.

"Honey, none of those are true, trust me. I would love to explain it all right now but I have to go somewhere,"


Reba couldn't help but smile over her son's inquisitive, yet also accusing tone. "To your dad's place. I promised I'd accompany him to his doctor's appointment this morning."

Shelby took a few seconds before he responded, "Right... mom, please be careful okay?"

Reba scrunched her eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

Shelby sighed, "Look, I love dad but I don't fully trust him anymore. I just don't want you falling for him again when anytime soon he might suddenly realize again that he's not in love with you anymore." Shelby cringed knowing how harsh his words sounded. "Sorry, I didn't mean to be so blunt ab--"

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