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(Y/A) POV:

I wandered throughout the little aurum base, slightly confused where to go.

"Crud." I muttered

"What is it (Y/N)?" Pit asked

"I'm lost."

"I'll be there in a minute, then we can go through the little aurum hive together ok?" pit said with a sweet little smile on his face.

I mean I couldn't tell if he was smiling but he probably was



It was only a few minutes until pit showed up,

"So where to?" I asked,

"Over there!" he pointed to a direction, as we walked through another door.

"heY LOOK ITS AN AETHUR RING!" I shout pointing to the heavenly invention, quickly stepping my foot into it.

I hover around the ground, blasting foes in my path.

"Great falling and squishing people ceilings and walls." I mutter, hopping out of the aethur ring.

Pit then grabs my hand and we run past all the squish walls.

I'm guessing he used light weight?

Um ok?

"Were almost at the boss room pit, just a few more doors." Palutena instructed.

We wonder into this crooked hallway, small doors automatically open to throw out hearts.

"Yay free hearts!" he happily shouted picking up the free items, handing me one.

"Here." he said with a small smile, then running around gathering more.

I swear. I may not be Mr. Sherlock here, but he miGHT have a little crush on me


I follow him, seeing that he was approaching the next small door, revealing a aurum enemy.

"YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE HEARTS!" He shouted, attacking the robot creature.

We open the next door, seeing that Palutena placed some heavenly food down for us, pit running to grab the food.

I walking around him and pick up a heaven cake

"Why do you eat food off the ground pit?"

"Ok, two things. one, you just ate food of the ground, and two, flOOR ICE CREAM GIVES YA HEALTH."

I back away slowly and then proceed to the next door.

Boss tiimeeeee


"thIS IS NO MATCH FOR PHYRON!" Some flame dude yelled, attacking the rebuilt aurum brain.

"Um the last time I remember you helping us, you ended up being no help at all and just made it worse." pit told him as he twirled his finger.

"Oh yeah." he zoomed away.

I nodded at pit, as we attacked this sphere brain thing.

I swear it didn't look like a brain at all.

I don't know, I didn't read the Aurum handbook.

We attacked it multiple times, then it exploded

"DEMOLISHED!" me and pit yelled happily I guessed..?

I don't know.

I run to pit and gave him a big fat 'ol hug, my back facing the brain.

For some reason the brain was still functioning, and shot a big fat laser towards us.

Pit quickly turned around so that I wouldn't get hit, who knows why.

"Pit?" I whisper in confusion.

he was struck by the laser, as I grab his Palutena bow and shoot the brain for the last time, causing it to acTUALLY DIE.

I then look at pit, shaking him multiple times, wanting him to wake up or whatever.

"Captain? Pit? PIt wake uP!"

I start to worry, like a lot.

"Pit!?" palutena said in shock.

What palutena, did you go grab some pizza or something?

"I'm pulling you out now." she demanded, heavenly light pulling us both to Palutena's temple.


There was some love thereeeeeee



[DISCONTINUED] Lonley Angel ( Pit x Reader Fanfic ) Where stories live. Discover now