Chapter II

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They stood so still any person could've mistaken them as statues. Arlene let out a shaky breath, Isae still in front of her, even if her parents spoke with their own mouths that the woman who stood on their right side was her aunt. Her father's sister, blood-related to them. Like hell she was! Isae might as well be her brother and Vaella her hidden sister then. She couldn't believe it, she didn't want to believe it.

"Wh-what are you talking about? I have only four uncles and two aunts. Mother has three brothers and one sister, father you have an older brother and younger sister." Arlene whispered, it was soft but not shaky, what she spoke was true they had said it themselves and she had met most of them, none of which that had black hair. Isae's eyes had hardened on her so-called aunt staring and sizing her up, but Eres her aunt's name merely stood there, her smile didn't so much but dimmed. Vaella trained her eyes on the floor, her skin was paler than usual.

"Your grandmother had lied to me, I had one more sister far from Kastelian she lived in the western land, Abser." Her father frowned as if he was truly hurt by his own mother's actions. The western homeland was farther then Saeros city for the Fae who was still in Kastelian's region on their west rims, they lived in the southeastern region right next to the Bluehan sea, going to the northern land was Floen, Naldereth being its capital city and where Vaella's parents ruled, the rest of the land was split up to Vaella's family each court with lavishing cities. Downward of their kingdoms was the Southern region, where Arlene was taught the wizards and witches lived, they had a large chunk of the southern land, a small part was then owned by humans.

To the west that was cut by the Merland Gulf, was where Isae lived, Isae lived farther up of the country Hartmend, his city- Mellian and kingdom as well the capital city was a large market source, also not the best as he said. Arlene never knew why, and he didn't give her an answer. While she didn't exactly find out who then owned the bottom parts of the region didn't know what the land was called but she did know that Abser's was in it and it was a city, capital or no. She'd heard of the city before never knew much about it besides that not many mortals lived in it.

Maybe Arlene's father was talking the truth, maybe he did have a hidden sister who he never knew his whole life, she couldn't argue her father when she didn't have the exact prove that she wasn't his sister beside the fact that she looked nothing like him. Fathers hair was of dirty shaved wood while she had ebony colored, his eyes were a hue of brown and green while Eres's was blue. Really dark blue. Nothing would give another human a clue that these two were somewhat related.

"Do you know why lady Eres was hidden from you? Why would Arlene's grandmother hide her away?" Vaella's eyes finally flickered to look up at the king, wonder, determination. For a moment there it just a room of a soft breeze but then a voice spoke.

It wasn't Arlene's father.

"Your grandmother had thought of me of being foul, I didn't have the same looks as my siblings so she had thought she had born a mistake," Eres spoke. Her voice, it sounded centuries old. Cruel and a spat of venom. Arlene's lips thinned, she didn't want it to be true but if this was really her aunt how could she say anything more? As much as Eres made her very blood run cold she didn't have have a single defense to her mother and father that this woman was not blood-related to them.

Arlene grabbed Isae's hand. He whipped his head looking at her, his eyes were blank and cold something about that made her waver. What a weird look Isae had pointed, but deep in those eyes she knew that it was rays of sunshine, he had warmth.

"If what she speaks is true then she is my aunt. You will not defend me, and you will not look at her like that. My father will punish you." Her voice soft and feathery, looking deep into his melted chocolate eyes, watching as it narrowed as if he wasn't going to back down. Even if the royal king would punish him, he did not trust this woman, as trust was his ally he did not care as long he protected Arlene, his princess.

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