Ending the story

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Hey everyone, uhh long time no see (oops)

So, I'm going to be blunt here, I'm not going to update again. I've lost the drive for this story, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate each and every single one of you who read this and voted, because I will forever hold you dear to me because of your support.

Why I won't be continuing:

-I've lost the drive for this plot

-I'm in high school now, and have improved dramatically since my middle school days of Juniper

-the plot was heavily influenced by Supernatural

-I'm just not interested

Once again, I appreciate the love and support this story has gained, but I no longer feel this story to be one I will enjoy finishing. Perhaps one day when I'm older I'll come back to this and finally reboot it, but until then, I bid you all adieu, and wish you all happy days and happy lives and boundless creativity.

I love you all.

-the author


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