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Now seated inside, Juniper faced Jace and Austen. "Care to tell me what that was about?" She asked snidely. Jace sighed, then giggled, then stopped. "We thought you were the werewolf," Austen explained. "I still think so." Juniper raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "Lovely."

"Good morning, I'm Silus and I'll be your server today, may I take your order?" Silus comes over to the table where the trio sat. "Are you the only damn server in this place?" Juniper squinted. "No, my sister just doesn't like responsibility," Silus sighed. "A caramel macchiato," Austen says. "Coffee. Black," Jace butt in.

"I've been here the past two days I think you should remember my order." Juniper smirked. Silus nods in response. "I do remember. I also remember Emma Drina telling me about a girl called Kimber Pennington. Said she was pretty cute, was pale with black hair," Silus eyed Juniper. "Was that you?" Juniper dodges the question. "You think I'm cute?" She asks, a smile on her face, her snarky nature disappearing for a moment. Silus turns red. "I-I'll be back with your orders shortly." And with that he scoots off.

Jace briefly let out a "aww" but was silenced by Austen and Juniper's glares. He clears his throat. "Now that we've spilled the beans, we have a choice. Or rather, you have a choice. Work with us and kill this werewolf, or we can kill you to keep your mouth shut," Jace says ominously, but he was still bouncing in his seat. "What about after? What if I talk about it then?" Juniper challenges. "You won't," Austen guarantees vaguely. Juniper folds her hands on the table, her eyes narrowed. "More details."

"The idea we have is that someone form the high school killed Scarlet. Either out of jealousy, lust of power, or fear."

"Lust of power?" Juniper questioned. "You're phrasing it like we're dictators in Ancient Rome."

Jace gives a dramatic look, "With your generation? Close enough."

"Anyway— we cant look out for suspects because we aren't teenagers or millennials or whatever. You are. If you help us, you will be paid— for both keeping quiet and for your assistance— and you also get the satisfaction of doing a good deed," Jace batted his eyes sweetly. Juniper blinked. She gulps, looking over at Silus, arguing with a blonde girl behind the counter. More than likely his sister.

"I'll think about it."

Before Austen or Jace could protest, Juniper is off to the counter and making her way to Silus, who had his head in his hands. "That your sister?" Juniper smiles welcomingly. Silus looks up and nods. "Yep." It goes silent. Awkwardly silent.

"My name isn't Kimber Pennington, you know," Juniper speaks up, causing Silus to look at her intently. "It's Juniper. Juniper Carew." Silus chuckled, "You seem like the kinda girl to do that. Make a fake identity, I mean." Silus looks off to the side and wipes his cheek with his hand. "Is that a good thing?" Juniper flirted hesitantly.


Silus glances to the door as it chimes when it opens, "Sorry," he says, "Coffee Calls." And with that the two return to their proper places. Him at the register and she sits at the booth.

Jace is smirking and Austen looks like she'd rather be literally anywhere else but there. "So..." Jace smirks. "That your boy-toy—" "Have you considered the offer?" Austen interrupts. "Yeah," Juniper says, "But this all seems hella suspicious." Juniper raises a eyebrow and pops her elbows. One by one, she continues to pop her joints, making Jace cringe.

Austen glares. Juniper was smart. Taking advantage of a squeamish point to get him to talk, to spill the beans. "We need a yes or no answer. And we need it now," Austen says, her voice dark. "It's my money and I need it now!" Juniper snorts, erupting into a fit of giggles.

"You guys don't get it, do you?" Juniper says once she's recovered. "I don't care."

"I don't care if I live or die. I don't really have anything going for me. My closest friend is already submitting an application for a college over five states away. At this point death is a gift."

Juniper growls, challenging the adults in front of her. Her blue eyes darkened, showing an aching sadness, but also a fierce show of defiance. They couldn't kill her. They needed her.

"You guys are all bark and no bite. You need me," Juniper concludes with a smirk. Austen's shoulders droop, dismayed that a petty teen saw through their act. Jace frowns, looking ashamed. Almost ten years in the business and he still don't got it.

"We can easily find someone else to do the job."

"Oh really? Who?"

Austen and Jace pause. It was always the younger ones. The most isolated are the most intelligent.

"Listen," Juniper sits forward, her eyes a brilliant perspective of euphoria, a proud show of intellect. "I'll do it. But I need double or nothing pay, and we will meet here everyday after school. I will tell you if I can't make it. It needs to benefit me as much as it benefits you." Juniper states clearly, boldly, unafraid. Jace sighs. Austen looked away.

"It's a deal."


874 WORDS.


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