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Just as Silus had said, there was Emma Drina. Donning a bright orange hoodie under a pair of black overalls, with pretty pastel flowers designs near her ankles, and a camera raised to her face, she looked like Tumblr as a person.

Pursuing her lips, Juniper thought back to what Silus had said. The way he described her. She talks about how she's fit and goes to the park, a given sign she overshares too much information.

She can use that to her advantage.

Taking a seat on a bench, she watched as Emma moved to lay down on her back. Photographing the sky, how original. Slowly and calmly, Juniper trotted over to Emma. Just a she began to sit up, Juniper chuckled, "A photographer, are we?" Juniper says teasingly, holding her tea with one hand and her other in her pocket to give off a cool and confident look.

Emma sat up with a jump, a blush dusting her cheeks. She brushed a lock of her surfer blonde hair behind her ear. "Yeah," Emma giggled. "I'm trying to buff up my portfolio, for future reference?" Emma looked at her camera shyly. Juniper takes this as a sign of invitation, and sits by her, "Actually, I wouldn't. But I've been trying to get into photography, and then I saw you taking pictures so..." Juniper trails off and gave a fake chuckle.

Emma didn't notice, and her eyes lit up. Photography was a passion of hers, Juniper concluded. "You'd love photography! I take pictures of all sorts of things. I like to take pictures of dogs, flowers, the sky, water..." Emma started rambling and Juniper internally started screaming. This may take a while.

"Also," Emma leaned forward, like she was sharing top secret information. "I even take some... darker photos if that's what your into." Emma's slight flirtatious undertone didn't go unnoticed by Juniper.

Juniper leaned forward, faux interest coating her face. She licked her lips quickly, a flirtatious gesture, and glanced to Emma's. "How about we to know each other a bit, yeah? Then you can tell me about these photos of yours." Juniper suggested in a suggestive tone. Emma bites her lip. "In that case, I'm Emma, Emma Drina."

"Kimber Pennington."


The entire fucking day Emma had talked about photography. Juniper felt like her ears were bleeding, but at the same time she thought it was adorable how her eyes would light up with passion. In the non-attracted way of course, she may be appealing to the eyes, but not to the mind.

The day had passed, and now Juniper was at Emma's house. It was a quant little place, with potted plants and many paintings. Currently, Emma was educating Juniper on the photos she took.

The ones of Scarlet.

"And so—" Emma paused, glancing over to Juniper and shifting a bit. "Umm, I have to... use the bathroom really quick! Sorry Kim!" Emma darted off suspiciously. Juniper grinned. The entire day, she had bought drink after drink for Emma, and now it finally paid off.

Juniper heard the door click, and she couldn't have gotten up quicker. She snatched the photos off the coffee table, grabbed her jacket and was out the door before Emma had realized she even left. The moment the door shut behind her, Juniper took off running, feeling the cool night air on her face. She could see the breath from her labored panting due to exercise. Exercise was most definitely something she was not used to.

Juniper didn't stop until she was at least a full block aways and the home was out of sight. "There," Juniper said to herself. "That should be enough right? Because I am not running anymore. Screw that shit." Juniper bent over with her hands on her knees, the photos still clutched tightly in her hand. She raises up to observe them for a moment. The first were ones of tracks, like the kind an animal would make. They looked like wolf prints, but were the size of a bear. The next was a picture of Scarlet from the side, and Juniper stopped her observing. Later, somewhere where it could be safe to have a break down.

Holding the photos between her knees, Juniper shrugged on her jacket. She pulls it close, suddenly feeling like eyes were on her. "This is hella weird," Juniper whispered, watching the cloud of puff from her breath. She turned to look behind her.

Big mistake.

Juniper wasn't quite sure what it was. It was big. Egregious, enormous, extra terrifying. And to put it crudely:

Big and scary as fuck.

Both parties held still for a moment.

And then the hunt began.

780 WORDS.


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