« . c h a p t e r . s i x . »

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Juniper lay awake, staring at the ceiling. Not only did she have a song stuck in her head, she also was evaluating a question in her head. Both shared the same title.

Should I stay or should I go?

On one hand, staying meant she could forget this. Pretend like a big ass monster didn't chase her almost six blocks to her house. Pretend that everything was okay.

Or she could find the truth. Stop living in a pretty little lie that Scarlet's death was just some rabid animal or a freak accident and see the wicked truth. It wouldn't be pretty, like Scarlet in life. But terrifying, and possibly gruesome, like Scarlet's death.


Juniper drug her hands over her face. There's no going back now.


Juniper kept her head down as she stomped to the cafè. Her headphones were plugged into her ears, and her eyes bore an almost murderous look. Overall, she had a rather unpleasant and unapproachable look, similar to the one she wore at school.

Her mind was racing. A confused commotion of thoughts zoomed through her head, ranging to who killed Scarlet, and the creative punishments hey would receive. At this point Juniper was doubting that a human had killed Scarlet.

Juniper's phone buzzes again when she reaches the corner of the cafè. "Don't move." It said and Juniper furrowed her brow.

That was until she got pulled into the alley behind her.

Juniper is pinned against the wall, her head thumping against it quickly, spending a spike of pain through her skull. Since when was there an alley there? Juniper mentally groaned but quickly realized she had bigger problems when she felt the presence of metal under her chin.

"You," a familiar voice snarls, and Juniper peeks through her previously screwed shut eyes to see Austen, the badass lady from Friday. "You killed Scarlet." Austen's glare was intense. Juniper's mouth ran dry.

"But—" Juniper was cut off by Jace. "There's no use trying to weasel your way out of this, shifter," he snarled. And it was at this time that Juniper began to panic. "What the fuck are you talking about?!" Juniper cried. "A human couldn't have killed Scarlet! From the photographs—" Austen digs the barrel of the gun deeper into Juniper's skin, making her whimper.

"We know you're a werewolf, you shitstain."

Juniper's face contorted into one of confusion. "But werewolves aren't real! And even if they were, I'm not a werewolf! I cared about Scarlet! Why do you think I've been—" Austen's eyes narrowed and Jace's widened. "You're— you're not a werewolf?" Juniper kicked her legs helplessly, "No, you dickhead!"

Reluctantly, Austen pulled away, glaring at Juniper suspiciously. "Shit..." Jace muttered, his hands on his face. "We spilled the beans, Austen." Jace looked to his partner. "Let's just kill her. If we're wrong, oh well. One less loose end to deal with," Austen states emotionlessly. "We can't just kill a kid, Austen! Are old did you say you were again?" Juniper gulped. "I'm fourteen... I turn fifteen on August 27TH—"

"Should have known a Virgo would figure it out..." Jace mutters. Suddenly, he snaps his head up, looking to Austen with wide eyes. Austen catches his gaze, her eyes growing to match his. "No." She shook her head. "Oh HELL no!" Austen protested as Juniper stood confused. "Austen," Jace began. "We can either get an inside look at our suspects through this middle schooler—" "High schooler." Juniper corrected. "Whatever." Jace rolled his eyes before continuing. "Or face possible charges and lose our jobs."

"God fucking damn it, Jackson."

Jace beamed and grabbed Juniper by the arm, "Inside!" He ushered.

"We're about to educate you on all you need to know."


620 WORDS.


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