Taking a slender tool from my jacket, I slid it into the rusted, iron padlock and picked it. The metal clunked heavily as it fell to the ground, the sound reverberating around me in the rayless oblivion I had come to embrace.

    Frigid air burned my lungs as I breathed deeply, then exhaled. My tongue flitted over my dry, cracked lips as I drew a glinting dagger, seeing its hazy glow.

    My fingers met the bitingly cold surface of the door handle as I gripped it and pulled it open, the metal groaning in protest.

    A room was revealed, as dark and dank as the tunnel. Silently, I entered, boots meeting the concrete floor of a basement. A shudder prickled my skin but I forced myself to enter despite my instincts yelling at me to turn, run, get away.

    The rusted hinges of the door groaned as I closed it firmly. There was no running now. Now was the time to fight and die. 

    I paused, the hair on the back of my neck rising. Soft breathing could be heard, and it wasn't mine.

    Yellow light flickered on in the room, blinding me for a few seconds.

    A man stood in front of me, dressed in a neatly pressed, black suit. His graying hair was slicked back, loafers shined to perfection. A grin twisted his lips into a gruesome sneer.

    Throwing itself against my ribcage, my heart thrummed with fear that I refused to show.

    "Father." I greeted, smiling stiffly at him, my voice dripping with sappy cheerfulness. "How nice to see you again."

    "Talia, dear. It's been too long." he said politely back, eyes landing on the dagger gripped tightly in my hand. "I assume you are here to kill me?"

    "I was planning on some torture first, but yes, murder is in my intentions."

    My voice was cold, hard, steely. Pure hate flared in my eyes, twin infernos of silver scorching him.

    "Hmm. Such a shame." Corvus Vermont sighed, clicking his tongue disapprovingly. "You always were my favorite daughter, Talia."

    Oh, really? I never would have guessed. I thought bitterly. It's not like you murdered your other daughter.

    "That's not my name and you know it, father." I spat, venom lacing my tone.

    Vermont smirked at me, arms folded behind his back.

    "Do you want to know why you are my favorite daughter?" he mused softly, voice echoing in the empty room. "Because you have always been the easiest to manipulate."

    I scowled, rage pulsing through my veins. "You think you lead me right into your perfect little trap, but you're wrong."

    "Oh? How so?" he smirked, looking mildly bored as he examined his nails. "I brought you here, didn't I?"

    "Tobias is in the League. That's why he trapped me in the tunnels." My voice was blunt, to the point.

    Slow, piercing claps echoed through the room.

    "Oh, bravo. However did you figure that out?" drawled Corvus, white teeth glitering at me in the darkness.

    "Kept playing with his watch, where the symbol of the League is branded." I muttered. "I can't believe you actually made him a part of the Inner Circle."

    Vermont sighed disdainfully.

    "Kincaid might be dimwitted and have his short comings, but he can be quite useful. His mind is easier to mold than most. You would be surprised what I conditioned him to believe. Quite pitiful, really."

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