I abruptly looked at Bella, raising a single eyebrow.

"You've been there?" I questioned, raising a single eyebrow questioningly.

"I took lessons as a kid," Bella responded, "The school I went to had an arch just like that," Bella pointed to Alice's sketch.

"Was your school here in Phoenix?" Alice asked her curiously.

"Yeah," before she could elaborate further her phone vibrated as did mine. I stood up and pulled my phone out, walking away as I answered.

"Emmett?" I questioned.

"You're okay," Emmett breathed out from the other line.

"Yes. I'm fine. Are you alright?" I questioned my mate, raising a single eyebrow.

"Yes. But we've lost the tracker. Edward is sending Esme and Rosalie back to Forks to protect Bella's father. We're coming to Phoenix for you two. Edward is taking Bella away, and you and I are returning home," Emmett explained and I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair silently.

"Will they be alright on their own?" I asked my boyfriend. Emmett didn't respond to me for a moment.

"Not until James is killed...I think Carlisle, Jasper, and I are going to follow them after I take you home. Edward won't be able to take James on on his own," Emmett said honestly. I sighed, biting my lower lip gently.

"I miss you," I said to him.

"I miss you too. I will be with you soon. Be safe. I love you, Ezra."

"I love you too."

The call ended at that. I looked at Jasper and Alice and they were already packed up.

"You stay with Bella. Jasper and I are going to check out," Alice said. I nodded my head at my sister silently. I glanced over at the bedroom Bella was in, possibly packing her own bag.

Alice and Jasper left the room, grabbing their bags and taking them with them. I stood in the main room, hands in the pockets of my jeans as I waited for Bella to finish packing.

I sat back down on the couch. I heard Bella answering her phone in the other room. I heard her greet her mother. I watched as Bella exited the bedroom in a hurry and I was pretty sure she didn't see me because she left the hotel room just as quickly.

"Bella," I called for her as I followed her out of the room. I ran after her to the elevator and just before she could get the door to close, I slipped onto the elevator. She looked at me with a worried look in her eyes and I lifted a single eyebrow, "Where are you going?" I questioned.

"James has my mother," Bella's eyes filled with tears. My eyes widened in worry. Of course the tracker would stoop so low.

"And you're going to what? Save her on your own?" I questioned, raising a single eyebrow, "That's stupid of you, Swan."

"He said he'd kill her if even sensed the others with me," Bella said helplessly as she looked down, "I can't lose her, Ezra. She's my mother," she looked up at with a look of despair. I frowned at her words. She reminded me of how I was many years ago.

My mother's death, had hurt me. It changed my father and it changed me completely. I didn't want Bella to go through what I did. I sighed as I nodded my head silently.

"You can't go alone," I said and Bella opened her mouth to speak but I held my hand up to stop her, "I'll go with you. He won't be able to sense me. Don't worry. I have a plan."

I stood outside the ballet studio with Bella. I looked down at her silently as she stared up at the studio. I saw how visibly shaken she seemed and I sighed, running a hand through my hair. I knew this was a bad idea. But I would be right behind her the entire time.

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