Chapter 12 Who's there?

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(Thought I would write another Chapter today before I drown in homework :D )


"We always ask who's there when someone knock but sometimes we know it can be for the better or for the worst."


Blinded Lady's POV:

        Both of them are a sleep and yet I could not get over the feeling of killing FireWall, but I knew I couldn't do it. I sat there sense everything around us, dogs, horses, and people after us. I only wanted to find our group again, but that was years ago. My body ached from turning almost a entire forest floor into quicksand. My thoughts were broken when heavy feet stopped right above us, the man's breath was heavy enough where the ground shook with each breath.

        I knew then that excatly what was going to happen, so I was ready to fight but instead several knocks came. I couldn't think, it was not right for this tense moments that just happen. The knock came again, my body tensed up, at the thought of letting the man in. The only thing that I could say was, "Who's there...." The man sighed and flicked something, which i realize what he really flicked was a ring, a ring made of stone and shook other rings made just the same. Tears swelled up and then I knew who it was, I open a hole for him and the man came down.

        I could just imagen his smile when he saw me. We hugged and didn't stop. "Welcome Home." My heart tremble another one of our groupd was back and will always be back.

        He smiled saying, "Honey I'm home." His hug was tighter and neither of us wanted to let go, but that shortly ended when WaterFall woke up and attack him. I wasn't mad just concerned, I knew my motherly appearal was coming back with each person returning.

        "WaterFall stop, he is one of us." I stood in front of our member returing, my arms spread wide. I turned my head towards WaterFall and smiled. "Please let him be. We are only missing two people now." WaterFall only said okay and went back to sleep. I didn't question why but I just went with it. I sat down with our member and started to talk to him.

        He only gave quick, reasonable answer to each of my question, and yet I never question it. I sat there listening when he told me where he was for all this time. I just couldnt think how different he was put through compared to FireWalls heart breaking story. He story was, "I was carried to that base and soon enough I was carried somewhere else, along the way I got a chance to escape and I took it and made it. I ran and ran until my feet gave. For some reason I ended back at the coast line where we found them. I didn't mind because I knew where I was but the scary part was, the bodies that were there, were gone, no trace of them was ever there. Just peices of metal and wood was scattered about."

        I was in shock from hearing this news, somethign strange was going on but I didn't know what. "How can thousands of bodies dissapear, heck even if they were decomposing there would be bones. I jsut can't think of what it could be." We both thought but came up with nothing.

        "Blinded Lady do you know why the forest is full of bodies stuck in quick sand?" I nodded my head and pointed to my self and he knew what that meant. I sighed at the thought of seeing all the animals I kill because they were in the way of the quicksand path.

        "It was me I had to do it to protect us if I didn't Wise Man's forces would have grabbed us up by now. also D you have any sigb of where MRs Spark or Hawkeye is?"

        He only repsonded with, "Mrs Spark I have no idea but Hawkeye we met up but decided to find you guys so we spilt up." I could sense that Macho Man looked over my shoulder to see WaterFall asleep right next to FireWall and the fact that FireWall had blacken bones on his clothing. "Why is he covered in bones?"

        "He has been through alot so he has done bad things in those time, but I have a feeling of what he was put through has somethign to do with the Wise Man's forces. FireWall told me that a traveling group of people tricked two villages and killed everyone one them, one of those villages had my sister and neice in it. Whats more imporant was that these people didn't have powers. Wise Man is the only person who can trick people into thinking they don't have powers."

        "Well Wise Man was been in hush ever since we left so I wouldn't be surprised if it was him, but lets not jump to conclusions." He shook his head. "Have you been to the tree lately." His vocie was harsh when he asked.

        "Yes I check it every week, You if something happens to one of the trees on one of the continents bad things will rain upon us. But it is sad that im protecting the very thing that broke the world. It is where anything can happen to, like when I go there I am able to see again. Don't know why or how but I just can, its the only thing keeping me from going insane now a days." I sat there smilling for when I was able to check upon it the next week.

        "Thats good you are able to see agin, I just wished I was able to protect it too." FireWall woke up from his slumber and stared at us.

        "You Blinded Lady are a fool, how could you tell this stranger your goal in life." I was confused and suddenly the form I sensed before back a different one. "Right once you let him in, WaterFall attacked him but was shot wiht drugs. I was too but since I was already a sleep didn't have a affect on me." I turned and the smile wasn't friendly at all. I was about ready to attack when warmth that only a fire could make burst out of the stranger.

        Soon the stranger became a pile of blacken bones. FireWall crawled over to the bones, grabbed the skull and broke it in the right places to make it into a mask. He gave a small laugh and put it over his face. "Next time Blinded Lady don't be fooled." He stood up and laughed again, this was the insanity inside him, this is a person I would never open the door for, no matter how much he knocked.


(Hope you enjoy, and if you do, leave a star and/or comment. Well time for me to drown in homework T_T )

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