Chapter 7 Cry

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(Hope you are enjoying the story so far! I can see some of you are :D thanks again!) 


“Crying relieves pressure on soul.”


4 Years Later


"How many days have it been, how many months or years have it been." My body was numb from the night before. A terrible night of pleasing him... I wish i could escape but he has dogs all around wanting food....and I hope I will never become it.

He was in another room as I sat on his bed looking out the broken window. His place from what I saw was half gone but still had enough to live in. Thats why he kept me in his room chained to his bed, enough to walk around the room but short enough where I couldn't leave the room. Anytime I needed to go to the bathroom he chained himself to me and made me go into the woods. I never knew his powers but knew anytime I tried to escape he would find me and warn me.

The last time I tried to escaped was the first year, then after that I did what he wanted or he would kill me. I don't know where my friends were, last I saw them was on that fateful day.... I assume they all around dead, but once in a while my finger would shake uncontrolablly knowing the Blinded Lady was alive, but lately it stopped.

I turned to see him staring me down with the eyes of a hunter. I knew what he wanted and this time I knew it will be the last for one of us. He hugged me and licked my cheek with a order coming from his mouth. Thats when i started melted the chain off, He sat down on the bed and started to strip my shirt away.

I felt the chain hit the floor and so did he....My hands grabbed his hands and held them there, "I will kill you for what you have done to me and anyone before me...I saw you skeleton cave the place you put the old slaves. Now you will be joining the cave and they will get a bural they so long disire." My hand started to glow red as his hands started to melt.

He tried to speak but when I did I stuck my hand into his mouth and held his tongue, burning the inside of him. I could feel the magic flow through me and soon he caught fire, his screems kept fueling the power and soon enough he was only blacken bones. I looked at them and only cried...

My eyes felt like they were bruning like him. I sat on the bed that held many nightmars and cried away. My tears felt different they didn't feel like water at all but fire. I wiped my face with my hand to see it was like small drops of lava. The magic replaced my watery tears into firey tears, I looked down and say the bed had holes in it. I gave a small laugh knowing the holes weren't the only thing that stained the bed.

Once the tears stopped I got up and walked to the broken down bathroom and looked through the shattered mirror seeing the stains in my skin from the flow of tears. I looked at it and turned around looking at his wardrobe, and quickly open it to see something I never thought was true. This man stalked me even before the world became hell.

I began to laugh knowing he got what he wanted, but stopped when I saw a picture of my family, the same picture I kepted in my room...."That bastard" I grabbed that picture and hugged it, but I did something I would never do. I held it in my hand and lit it on fire. I knew that family was dead, but I had a new family ones that could be looking for me right now.

That made me smiled for once in however many years. I looked at my finger and smiled, "I'm coming home." I turned and looked around the room and gave few more tears before finally escaping out of the building. After getting a good distance from it, I turned and watched it, a house that was peacefully, the dogs and owner burnt until they became bones. I took a sigh and my eyes flared up as the house began to start fire. I turned to the forest where the cave was hidden.

It took me some odd hours getting there walking. But once I got there I felt good, knowing those lost souls that were killed because a sickco wanted me. I counted how many remains there were, when I got done counting i turned and started digging graves. The day passed me as one grave after another was made. It tooked me the full night to bring all the remians over and to bury all of them. I sighed, "25 people killed from that monster, It would have been more if he didn't find me at that place."

I knew I did the right thing, and for once I was glad I was taken, giving me hope that these people may rest in peace without the horrible past tieing themselves to this world. I sat as I started to say what was on my mind..

"I saw the world before the horror before the true nature of people were in hiding,

That world was the place that a murder was wrong, now murder is only survival,

Im blessed that I was here to rid the world of a terrible person who was bad

before and after. To lay these souls to rest, now I will make you all a promise..

If I find anyone else like him, I will show no mercy and kill them. Then I will lay anyone to rest if they

killed someone. " I smiled and got up and headed down the path that he took to get to a town for food. I walked day and night until I was stopped by a small gang of bandits, I sighed and the flare in my eyes were back. I looked at them all and caluated who they were before and now. They didn't even given a chance to take a step.

I continued with my trip leaving a trail of blacked bones behind me, soone enough I started collecting those burnt bones and attached them to my clothes. They were like armor to a knight, and once I finally got to the town people hid in fear. I gave a small frown until a kid ran up to me and asked me if I was okay. I smiled and then began to cry.

"You are a brave soul and I thank you for it." I got on the kid's level and hugged him crying and I could feel his short arms try to wrap around me.

Her vocie reminded me of the Blinded Lady's, "Its okay Mr. My mommy says hugs always makes things better. Now why don't you take off that mask." I did as what I was told and took off the bone mask to reveil my crying eyes. Thats when the crowd began to form again carring on with their but still had a eye on me.

"So kid wheres your mommy." I gave a small laugh to the child asking to be picked up.

But once I did pick her up she whispered into my ear, "She died same with daddy, I have been living with my aunt. I'll show you were she is." She gave the same smile as the Blinded Lady and I smiled back and refused the offer. I put her down and walked over to a stand and grabbed some food leaving what money I had, well that didnt burn from the bandits.

The child watched me leave and waved goodbye and set off again, but to be stopped by a different vocie. I turned around and saw the little girl's aunt saying come back. I did and wonder why. "Sir are you Mr. Firewall?"

I froze in shock from hearing that name again, I looked with tears and shook my head yes. "Yes I did you hear that name, who told you." I didn't realized i grabbed her arms firmly, but once I did i let go and said sorry.

"My sister was here and asked me if I have seen you and I said no. She then told me if I do see you that she will be waiting in the forest town you guys were heading to before you got sperated and just in case if she wasn't there tap your finger three times." I hugged her and didn't even think that the Blinded Lady had two sisters.

I turned and took off knowing that she was alive....


(Thanks for reading this far :D, also leave a like and/or comment if you want.)

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