Chapter 8 Lies

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: miyuki6644

(Thanks for the comments and likes :D, but here is another chapter.)


“I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you.”


 I took off running from the village that gave me hope again, but sadly I soon slowed down to a large group of men and women traveling to that village. They looked sacred, hurt and sad, some were hurt and limping others just kept pulled the dead behind them. I looked at them with sorrow wondering what the world became while I was in the Mason.

Some asked me for food and money and I had to turn them down because I only had enough for me to get through. As they were passing and I stopped one of the healer ones, "What happen to you guys?"

He shook his head and kept walking...Sadly i kept asking them but it wasn't until the last person in the group who was also carring a body finally answered. "Our small village was attack by some raiders. They said they were from the Wise Man's Safe Haven....Then they broke out with magic and gunfire. We are the ones that survived." He turned and kept walking.

I only felt sorry for them, but it did give me a small upper hand. I now know that the Wise Man is still alive and kicking well kickking and brainwashing. I turned and headed towards the way they group of people came from and walked. I always kept my guard up just hoping I wouldn't be stuck in a fight.

The day felt like it kept going on and on and on. The heat wasn't normal nor was the amount of bugs attaching to me hoping im cooler. I looked at the ground looking at all the shadows of trees, plant life, and of course mine. I could start to see and feel my feet dragging on the ground, I regert not taking water with me.

All that disappeared when a shadow of thick smoke clouded the sky, my eyes wondered up the tall trees to see above them alot of thick smoke covering the sky. It looked like a whole city was on fire heck maybe even ten cities. I wonder around the curvey roads, through the beat down paths and stopped to a small village that was in ruins. Bodies lined the streets houses were on fire and were already half way burnt. This must be the town that the people came from...but why didn't they take these bodies with them like the rest? Something isn't right here.

My heart sank when I walked by the school building, all the children were nailed to the walls and hanging from the ceiling. I looked in fear, I knew what I did was for revenage but who ever did this was doing for pleasure. I walked through the building soon the children werent the only things on the walls. Elderly were too and some animals too. I walked up to a classroom and teenagers were tied to the chairs and had their organs ripped out from their bodies and left to rot on the floors. What I thought to be the teacher was melted to the chalk board. I was about to run out to throw up, but a faint vocie stopped me.

I looked around the classroom to see a small children nailed to the wall barely breathing. I ran up and was ready to take out the nails but I knew he would bleed out. He only faintly said to me was, "Don't trust the traveling people." I was about to ask why but a red lazer moved across the wall and landed on my head. I ducked as the bullet went through the child and looked to see two men with guns aiming at me.

The magic flowed through my veins and I knew I would have more bones to my clothing. I started to laugh as one was about to shoot. I made sure the bullet back fired and it did. The one was on the ground with a hole in his head as the other threw his gun on the ground and took off running. I quickly chased after him.

When I caught up to him and slammed my hand into his side sending him to the ground. "Who the hell are you and what did you do here, and who helped!" My vocie boomed through the school only to echo back at me.

"Im quick draw, we clesned the land of these magical freaks... and who helped me was the same group you let go into that village...." His laughed was harsh and sour, "Now you are too late by the end of tonight that village will be clesned of them too. Anyone in the cross fire who wasn't magical we will carry them with us for food. A scarfice to a good cause."

The fire in my eyes lit, my hand went into his mouth grabbing his tongue. "Well now you get to die." His eyes melted from his head his skin caught fire and soon enough only thing left was black bones. I took the peice I needed and headed over to the other body and did the same.

I went outside finally and threw up, just letting it come out from the smell trapped in my nose from the sight burned into my mind. Once I was done I looked in the dircetion of Forest Village that the Blinded Lady was in and then turned towards where I just came from. "Im sorry, Your sister needs me more right now." I kissed my finger with the ring and ran.


Blinded Lady's Sister POV:

The group who came into our village seem like nice people. My village did the best they could to help them out. But since they have arrived people seem to disappear, and not just any people but ones with magic. I mean we all have magic but some just had to added to metal, pyshical, or to their five senses. I will see, but I just hope that my daughter gets home soon, she is making me worry.........


(Thanks for reading so far, but leave a like and/or comment if you want :D and dedicated to MichaelaMaryBeasely for wanting more :D )

The Day that Changed the Worldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें