Chapter 3 Betrayal

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(Thanks for the reads so far, i apprecated it :D )


"Betrayal is not righteous, but if it is for survival is it righteous?"


Matt's POV:

My body, my mind, and soul were crushed when Brad pulled me to the ground, then kept running. I landed face first into a pile or broken cement, leaving me with a broken tooth and nose. I quickly got on my back and looked the direction to where the animals were coming from. I heard both foot steps the human that betrayed me and the paws or the hungry animals.

I sat there watching the eyes of the beats get closer and closer. My legs tremble, my heart raced, my hands could not stop shaking. "The night is so peaceful it seems lifeless...Wait what I am thinking I need to do something." I could only feel the blood that dripped from my nose. My body took over for a chance to live, for survival and stuck my hand out in front of me. I felt tired metally but not pyshically, every began to swirl into a daze, before long I knew I passed out.

Brad's POV:

I been on my legs too long that I could not feel them anymore. I felt guilty for what I did but wait I haven't heard any screams nor the growls in a little while. I stopped for a second to catch my breath and fell to the ground. I took several heavy breaths before looking at where I left Matt behind. What I say was something strange, a wall of fire blocked Matt from the animals. I watched in fear as i heard the screams of animals catching fire.

Once the animals left I saw Matt pass out, I tried to yell his name but nothing came out. I heard a footstep behind me and turned to see a small group of men and women holding pipes, crowbars, and bats. One got closer and leaned down to only whisper in my ear. "We saw what you did, so do as we say or your friend over there will be reminded what you did."

"O..okay, I just wanted to find my family." The deep sigh followed my distaseful words. The man grabbed me by the hair and started to drag me. My hair felt like it was ready to let me go, but never did... I wish it did. We came closer to Matt's tired body and one of the women lifted him up in her arms and carried him. He looked like a kid again, so peaceful so innocent. I knew I would never be that again.

After a while we came upon a house that wasn't completely destoried but still had large chunks from it. They  grabbed some branches and wood furiture and created a fire, but they didn't light it like normal. One femal snapped her fingers and sparks came out, I looked in aw not knowing why everyone seem to have powers.

I waited a few mintues after the fire to asked how she could do that. "How did you do that miss?"

A small smirk came from her face, then with the most smoothing vocie, "Magic." My face gave a small glare but in my mind is seemed to make sense. It would explain how that wall of fire appeared before Matt out of no where.

"What do you mean by magic? Magic doesn't exit...." My gave a frown with a bit of concern

"We didn't think so either until a few minutes after we woke up. We now just think it was from the glow."

One of the other groupie that had her eyes cover by cloth butted in, "I saw it up close it wasn't some kind of nuclear bomb. It looked more like a gaint tree, but then the glow happened sent me flying five feet and blinding me on the way." She still had a smile thought, like her sight was replaced with something even better. It felt like they all did, even me and Matt.

I looked at them laughing at each other's joke not worring about what happened around them. One joke was funny enough to make me laugh alittle but to stop when I thought about Matt. Passed out still not knowing whats going on around him. I felt sorry for what I did to him, I just hope he didn't remember.

"Hey what did you guys do before all of this happen?"  I thought i asked in my head but appearenlly I didn't.

"Well the blinded lady she was a aid for the blind and elderly, also trained the eye seeing dogs. Sparky lady I do believe she was a prison gaurd or inmate I can't remember. The guy with his ears taped was a bus driver for the city, and I was a fitness trainer." He gave that look of being proud that he did something right all the way.

"Why did you describe them and not say their name? I mean do you not remember them or something." I looked at him with wondering eyes.

"No I would remember names, but for some reason none of us could remember our names. Some others we found did, but then they tried to kill us and so we fought back. Those people did kill one of us thought." He smiled and gave a little laugh. "Lets get some sleep, we have a day or two traveling tomarrow." We both said good night and he quickly fell asleep I stayed up for a hour or two before passing out.


(Hope you enjoyed this chapter, but leave a like and a comment if you want. It lets me know you are enjoying this :D )

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