Chapter 1(Trust and Believe Me)

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2 years ahead


"Are you happy to go to school and start your senior year in high school Scar", asked my father as we head home from going grocery shoping.

"I don't even want to go to school. Whats the point of going. All there is, is drama everywhere you go. Then that little green eyed witch is going to be there. Not going to happen", I said. So, there is this girl name Calli Jones, a.k.a CJ. And she is a supernatural just like me, with the gift of magic. And when I say she is powerful, she can bring you down to your knees. And in serious, that little green eyed heifer has her eyes glow green and she will have any boy do her bidding. But, this year is different. I have been practicing now I have my full powers. And now, I could woop her ass while I do my nails at the same time.

"Well, at least you have your full powers, so if she bothers you this year. Just flash them eyes and she probably wouldn't mess with you anymore", my dad said. Its gonna take alittle more than flashing eyes to get her scared, I thought. Then, I suddenly remebered that tomorrow will be my sister's coronation. "Dad, how are we gonna do Charlotte' s coronation tomorrow. Please dont let what happen happen like mine", it still a touchy subject and one of the reasons on why I will always and forever hate my birthdays. With my mother dead I had to self teach my self magic. My dad isn't what you call a expert in magic. He is into healing and herbs and stuff.Basically, he has defensive magic. And Im Devine magic so Im basically one of a kind.

"Scarlett dont worry. I promise your sister will never go through what you went through. We can protect her", he smiled reassuringly.

When we got home, my dad parked and we got the groceries out the trunck. When we walked to the door I wasn't able to open the door. So, I willed the door open and it unlocked and slided open. Thats one perks of having the ability to wield magic. Being Devine means I have power that's powerful than anybody else. I can have premonition, warp some reality (if i try real hard I could actually turn a doll real. But that's a different story), and I can do alot of other stuff that I haven't harnessed fully learned yet. I still get the mingranes when I sense danger coming. I call it Scarlett sense. But sometimes when I have a srong emotion, I end up finding out I have a power I didnt realize I had. So, there's more than meets the eye with me.

When I put the bags on the table they started to move out the bag and enter the refigerator door that I didnt even know that was open. "Its okay I got the bags. You go get ready for school", my dad said aith his eyes pulsing blue. I didnt hesitate, I ran up stairs and when I went past my dad's room I saw my mom's closet glowing dimmly. It was sunset outside so basically it was kinda dark in the room. I crept into their room and went and opened up the closet door. When it was fully open I saw a book that looked like my Book of Spells. I grabed it and I felt power surging through me. It looked like a old book that has been in here for ages. The front had a Triquetra symbole on the front. When I opened it glided into the air and turned to me. It started to change pages and when it stop it showed me a text.
" You are the Chosen one of the long line of Riveras. Your powers will grow and you will become the powerfulest supernatural the world have ever known. You will be going through big obstacles now your eighteen. There are secrets that have been kept from you, some secrets I wanted to tell you", is this book talking to me in first person, creepy ass book," With your amazing powers you will be a great and powerful Supernatural. This book will help you in great times of danger. And I will be there to help you on the way", there goes that creepy I. Who is I? Then, I finished reading and at the bottom it read," Always and Forever, Mom", I teared up and held the book close to my chest. I missed my mom. I hope she is good and happy where ever she is.
I flipped through the rest of the pages and saw that there was different spells for offensive and defensive powers. Some pages had description of other Supernatruals. This is going to be really cool year for me, I thought.
Then, I heard my dad come up the stairs. I closed the door, grabbed the book and I closed my eyes and will my self up stairs in my room. I felt a breeze, and when I opened my eyes I was stand on my bed. I got down and my dad called me.
"Yes", I hollered
"Get ready and get your clothes out for Monday. I'm going to go get your sister from your grandmother's house", he hollered.
"Okay", I said.
When I heard him leave I pointed my finger at my closet door and it swung open. I flicked my hand in my directions, and my clothes came out. I picked the fooating pink blouse and a pick skirt. Cute, I thought. I flicked my hand towards my closet door and all my clothes from my closet bursted out. See, wierd burst of power just came out of know where. I need to control my powers before I hurt someone, I thought. Then, I closed my eyes and willed the room clean. When I opened then I heard noise downstairs. I ran downstair and saw that everything was clean. The counters was cean and the floor was freshly mopped. When I looked out side to see if anyone saw what happened. The grass looked freshly cut and the leaves that was on the grass was gone. Wow, i thought, I really need to get control over my powers. But, trust and believe me. That wouldn't even be a problem with this new book. I went up stairs and feeling good about myself.
When, I tried to grabbed the Book Of Shadows it flashed Purple and closed. I jumped back scared. When I tried to grab it again it flashed a dark purple and flew off the bed hitting the floor. Then, I had a wierd feeling. "Danger, Danger", I heard a whisper in my head ,"Danger, outside, danger outside", I looked out side and saw a man in a black hoodie. Ohh hell no, this man is not trying to spy on my while I was just about to chamge my clothes. I flicked my hand in his direction, trying to shimmer him somehere else. It didnt work. He just stood there looking creepy. So, I did it again with much concentration this time. It still didnt work. He kept staying there. Then, the shield that covers our house(My mom and dad's alarm system) started to flicker. My heart started to beat fast. That never happen. Why is he using magic to get in here. I focus on trying to see the future. But, I'm guessing he is blocking that too, because it didnt work. I started to panick. I cant call my dad because he never answers his phone. I willed a fire ball to hit him. A big ball of fire formed and hit him in the face. He flew all the way back to the street.
"Yassss, I wooped you. Im the Chosen one if you haven't notice", I started to laugh because I realized I was talking to myself. I looked back out the window and saw that the man was getting up. He looked at me one good time and I got a glimpse of his face. It looked familiar with the brown hair and the blue eyes but i could put my finger on it. Then, he shimmered in dark smoke vapor, and was gone. I was reliefed and sat down. I tried to use my powers now and got a future of my dad coming home in like 10 min. So, I sat up and flicked my hand towas the trees and the started to move. Why, did that man block me and then tried to get in. Things are getting wierd. Trust and Believe me when I say I'm not playing. I wil not be scared and let go that easy.

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