After all, she couldn't afford to be dragged down by a kryptonite cancer now. 

Kara prowled through the green, staying low, and breathing evenly. She peaked over the bushes and saw another man about ten feet away. She observed carefully, and ran her hand over the forest ground. Her fingers came across a twig and she wrapped it into her palm and chucked it at him. It landed a few inches away from his feet and he snapped his head in Kara's direction. Kara ducked as she listened to his footsteps come near. 

In an instant, she swept her legs gracefully, knocking the agent right under his feet. With little pause, she slammed the butt of the gun into his forehead and he went out cold. Kara searched his pockets quickly and found a suppressor. She set the one in hand aside and took it instead. 

At least this way the gunshots won't make any noise. She thought to herself.

Kara knows for sure that there were four men to start with, so if she didn't miscount, there should be two left. She turned, grazing her eyes over the shrouded land of green, and saw a glimpse of a black figure. She aimed, holding her gun sharply, and carefully targeted the victim's head. 

Kara is about to pull the trigger when there's a click and she feels the hot barrel of a pistol against the back of her skull.  She hesitates and slowly draws her arms apart, setting her gun on the floor, and puts her hands up. She can feel the man's snicker boring through her.

"You are the boss's prized possession? Throwing a fit this whole time for a little girl." He taunts, but is cautious to keep his voice low. He is about to make call over to the other agent, but in one silent move, Kara twists his wrists and pins him on the ground, pushing his own gun against the Adam's apple in his neck. 

"If you call over to your guy, Superman will hear you, and imagine how angry your boss will be when she hears that you not only lost your target, but also got taken in by the Man of Steel himself." He croaked and Kara smiled. "Good, we have a deal. So, don't worry, your boss will get me. You're going to take me to her."

He nodded hastily and Kara pulled his gun from his throat and tosses it to the side. She plucked her silencer from the grass and held it steadily. She once again, pointed the chamber at the searching agent.

"Wait!" The man behind her whispered and Kara raised an eyebrow.

"For what?" She snarled.

"Please," he begged and Kara never heard any agent from Cadmus plead or show any vulnerability. "Don't kill him."

She paused, momentarily shocked, and then sighed while drawing her gun down.

Kara motioned a hand for him to stay while she ranged behind a tree. The man couldn't help but notice how her walk is weak, almost a limp, and her skin is deadly pale. He pushed the thought away and when the kryptonian was in position, he called over to the other agent.

"Agent Phillip, over here!" He hollered.

Agent Phillip, Kara presumed was his name (obviously), came towards him. "What is it, Agent Diaz?" He asked and as he was approaching, Kara lunged and jabbed her gun into his nose. He fell backwards, fainting.

Name to a face, She thinks to herself while looking back at Diaz. "Come on," she said and glanced up at the sky. She can barely see the bright blue through the knotted and growing branches. "We don't have much time."


Superman, hovering in the sky, watches Kara carefully. When Kara and the man from Cadmus began to talk, Kal had picked it up instantly. He resists the urge to fly down there and stop her, but if what Alex said was true, why not take down two murderers at once?

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