Jisung nodded. "We all miss Eunmi-noona... but the least we can do now is to wish for her success."

"What are my two babies talking about? And why do you look so serious?~" Taeyong swung his arms around the two of them and pinched their cheeks.

"Oh, hyung." Jisung greeted.

Chenle shook his head, "It's just about Renjun-hyung... oh, and Mark-hyung too." He said.

Taeyong stood up properly. "I understand that you're talking about Mark..." He nodded. "But what about Renjun?"

Jisung sighed. "Hyung, Ningning asked me to give him another letter." He said. "Renjun-hyung just asked me to thrownit away."

Taeyong raised a brow, "Did you tell him that it was from Ningning?" He asked.

The youngest of the three shook his head, "Of course I didn't... otherwise he'll gladly accept it if I told him that it's from Ningning." He said.

Taeyong nodded, realizing that Jisung was right. "But did you throw it away?"

"I didn't. It's in my drawer. Just in case he'll change his mind."

"Did you read it?" Chenle asked.

"Why would I?!"


Renjun entered the locker room, and to his mild surprise. He saw Ningning standing in front of her locker.

"Ningning...." He approached the younger quietly.

These past few days, he's quite bothered that the girl was subtly ignoring him. He doesn't know why, but he's kinda used that they talk every time they see each other.

But these past few days, Ningning was ignoring him, and he doesn't know why. Maybe she's busy, but she can't be that busy to tell me that she got lots of things to do, right? Maybe she's not in the mood for a talk, but she always talks to me! Maybe I did something wrong, but what did I do?!

Ningning slowly turned around and faced Renjun. "Oh, hey..." The corners of her lips tugged upwards when she saw Renjun.

And somehow, he was relieved when he saw her smile. It feels like a thousand knives has been removed from his heart.

The girl suddenly remembered that she ignored him these past few days. She looked down, feeling horrible at the thought.

"Look, these past few days..." She started. "I'm sorry if I acted.... bad. I'm sorry if I ignored you and acted like a total wench. It's just that... I've been busy with school works and I don't just want my time to be wasted.... Well, I'm not saying that you're a waste of time!" She quickly raised her hand and shook it, signaling a 'no'. It made Renjun laugh. "Yeah... I'm sorry..." She sighed and looked down.

She doesn't even remember the exact reason why she decided to ignore Renjun anyways. It's not like the guy knows that she's yz.

It's not like they're the best of friends.

Schoolworks? But Chenle and Jisung aren't doing any schoolwork at the moment. To think that Chenle is even the first in their class...

Renjun smiled. He was amused at the girl in front of him. They weren't really the best of friends, and yet they bicker like a couple— wait, what couple?

He placed his hands on her shoulder, and the next things that happened shocked the girl.

Renjun was hugging her.


"I told you not to call me gege!" He said in their mother tongue.

She chuckled and decided to hug back. "Alright, Renjun."

That night, Renjun was smiling, and his room mate was starting to be creeped out. He would silently squeal and smile and laugh and smile over and over again.

Jisung wanted to ask why, but Renjun looked too happy. He also wanted to give him another letter that Ningning asked him to give, but he also doesn't want to ruin Renjun's mood.

It's been a while since he saw Renjun smile like that.

He sighed, deciding to place the letter inside his drawer like he did with the last one.

i hope i'm not too late for the update ㅠ.ㅠ it was our recognition last friday, and i went back to my hometown yesterday. also, i wasn't feeling really good last night, that's why i couldn't update~ i'm back now, though✨

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