How Do You Know About Ultralinks?

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3rd POV

As the sound of engines died down, everyone within sight could hear the sounds of metal on metal. They all stopped to see what came out the door of the jet. First came Commander Ferris- no surprise there- and then Max and Steel, followed Agents Darby, Esquivel, Nakadai, and Clay. All of them human, well, at least half. Then came the giant robot. It crawled out, and stood up, towering over every human there. He looked around as everyone resumed their duties, not fazed in the slightest.

"So why is no one concerned that there is a giant alien robot in your base?" The giant asked once Commander Ferris had walked away, leaving Max, Steel, and the Flare Squad. He continued to glance around, his warrior training taking effect for the first time since Unicron attempted to destroy Primus, taking in his surroundings, seemingly impressed.

"Trust me, you are far from the weirdest thing that anyone here has seen." Max said. "There's been Toxzon, a human radioactive waste deposit, Extroyer, the one-man zoo, and don't even get me started on the Elementors!"

"Elementors? Oh boy. I guess here's another thing that connects our two planets." He sighed, putting his hands on his hips. "So, why did you guys stop me from talking about Ultralinks in front of that Ferris guy? He's no scarier than Agent Fowler after we accidentally blew up something."

"Uncle Ferris doesn't know that Steel and I know the everything about Ultralinks. As far as he knows, we think that my dad, Jim McGrath- or as you probably know him, Ja'em Mk'rah- built Steel and exposed me to TURBO energy when I was little, therefore causing me to generate it."

Smokescreen raised an eyebrow in a questioning manner. "That makes no sense. TURBO energy has to be integrated into your DNA, it's-"

"We'd better leave N-Tek before this conversation goes any further." Jack said before Smokescreen could say any more.  "I do not want to have to explain to the Commander why we told Max and Steel everything."  He looked up to Smokescreen and smirked. "You up for a drive?"

The mech transformed into vehicle mode and revved his engine. "Make it a race and you've got yourself a deal Jack!"  Grinning, the six remaining kids ran to their vehicles and started them up.  Paying no attention to the speed limit, the six vehicles raced out of the base. 

Whoops and competitive cheers were all that could be heard through their comms for a few miles.  Raf in the lead, Smokescreen and Helen close on his tail, followed by Jack, with Miko and Max bringing up the rear.  "Aright," Raf began "Ease off those pedals. It's Groundbridge time!"

A swirling green portal opened in front of them, and all six vehicles drove through. They stopped and Smokescreen transformed while everyone else stepped out. They were outside an old military hangar with a giant 'E' on the front, in the middle of the desert, with a recognizable destroyed giant rock formation a few miles away.

"Unit E?" Smokescreen turned to the humans. "But why does it look abandoned?  And on that thought, why are you guys working at N-Tek and not Unit E with Agent Fowler?"

"That's the thing Smoke," Helen said, clenching her fist, "There is no more Unit E. The government shut it down after Decepticons stopped showing up since it costed so much to keep running. They thought that Cybertronians were off Earth for good."

"We never got the chance to be anything more than 'consultants'. Even then, no one but Agent Fowler took us seriously!" Miko stomped her foot in frustration. After calming herself down, she continued. "Luckily for us though, Agent Fowler had gotten wind of an organization much like what he had hoped Unit E would be. A group of the best of the best, all willing, equipped, and able to defend our planet from any threat that comes our way."

Smokescreen looked at them, eyebrows raised. "So, it's basically Unit E but better?" He summed up.

"Pretty much." Steel chimed in. "So, how exactly do you know about Ultralinks?"

"Well, it was near the middle of the War when the first Ultralinks showed up." Smokescreen began, "After destroying the first couple of scout ships and interrogating the few Ultralinks that survived, both the Autobots and Decepticons realized that they couldn't defend Cybertron without the help of the other faction.  So, the first temporary truce was called.  Optimus Prime and Megatron joined up, and with both factions working together for once, it looked like we stood a chance.  That is, until the invasion force showed up.  Makino must've known that we were having a war, which explained his timing, but he didn't count on us joining together to fight him off.  Millions of Ultralinks came raining down, linking to everything in sight.  Or at least attempting to.  It was that day that we discovered that Cybertronians couldn't be ultralinked.  If they tried, their circuits were fried instantaneously.  We didn't know why, but they did.  The battle was intense, and Makino soon realized that we couldn't be linked.  He tried to continue to fight, but even linked, his forces were no match for the Cybertronian warriors that had already been fighting for decades.  Eventually, he called for a retreat, and the War continued, but with one, final agreement.  Should an outside force threaten Cybertron, Decepticons and Autobots will join forces as long as the threat remains."  We had gone into the hangar as Smokescreen talked, and now stood on the raised platforms at Smokescreen's eye level.

"How come you guys never told us about that?" Raf asked when Smokescreen finished.  "And did you ever figure out why they couldn't ultralink to you?"

"There was enough going on as it was," the Cybertronian replied. "We didn't want to worry any of you more than we already did.  And as far as I know, the reason we couldn't be linked is because Ultralinks weren't designed to link to living non-biological beings.  It was about the only theory that came out that actually made sense." 

A computer started to beep, and Raf walked over to check it out.  "We're needed back in Copper Canyon.  Extroyer decided to rob a bank and he's got hostages.  Apparently he's wondering why you haven't showed up yet, and wants a fight."

"Oh great, ever since he got that T-rex form we've been outmatched!" Steel said dramatically.  He landed facedown on the floor and groaned.

"A T-rex?" Smokescreen asked, his eyes widening. "Like the dinosaur you guys told us about after we learned about Predaking?" 

"Yup!" Miko replied. "But what if the four of us come to help?" She turned to Max. With all the high tech gear N-Tek's got, it wouldn't be that difficult to make everyone think that we were just in high tech suits!"

"It could work," Jack said, "but Smokescreen, I think it would be best if you stayed behind. If Dredd figures out where you are, well, let's just say you're in a heap of trouble. The guy is basically a one-man version of MECH."

"Enough said. You guys go on ahead. But if you can, videotape it. I wanna see a dinosaur!"

"Thanks Smoke," Helen replied. "There's an Energon stash on the lower levels if you need a refuel." Raf activated the groundbridge, and all five humans transformed and ran through. "See ya soon Smokey!" Helen yelled and waved before she ran through, and it closed.

Smoke, Flares and Turbo Energy (TFP/Max Steel Crossover) - ON HIATUS Where stories live. Discover now