Dredd Meets Autobot. (And Ferris Gets A Heart Attack)

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Ok, so before you read the next chapter, I just wanna let you guys know that I didn't like Helen's power sharing ability so I changed it.  She can still fly with the jet wings, and now she can sense Cybertronian life signals.  She can only tell who's signal it is if she knows them well, and if she focuses she can sense all across the planet she's on, and she can find them through most types of shielding.

And now, on with the story!!!!


3rd POV

The Jump Jet soared through the sky towards Smokescreen's life signal, with quite the diverse band of rescuers on board. One human, one half Tachonian, one ultralink, and four Cybertronian blessed humans.

"So how are we going to find Dredd?" Forge asked, crossing his arms as he walked up to the cockpit where Miko was seated and piloting. "We've got no idea where his base is, and he's probably blocking your friend's energy signal."

"Well, that's where Helen comes in Sir," said Jack, walking up to stand beside Forge. "She can sense Cybertronian life signals through most shielding, so when she picks up his life signal, she can tell us where he is, and Miko can fly us in right on top of them."

They both turned to look at Helen as she searched for Smokescreen's life signal, her eyes closed and in a seemingly trance-like state.

Meanwhile, Max and Steel talked with Raf, vastly enjoying the fact that they knew more than Forge, and that the Flare Squad were intending on keeping him informed on a need-to-know basis.  The two found it incredibly funny that Forge was finally getting a taste of his own medicine. Upon hearing Jack's comment, Steel decided to ask him a question.

"Ok," the small floating robot began.  "You guys said that stealth was our only chance, so how do we stay undetected after we actually get in?  I mean, Dredd's gotta have security inside his base, right?" He didn't question the fact that the rescuers were going to get in, how could they not with groundbridges and phasing?

Miko responded from her seat in the cockpit, her usual troublemaker smirk dominating her features.  "You see, that's the fun part.  Dredd doesn't think we know where his base is, and he probably thinks that whatever shields hide his base from our scanners will hide Smokey's life signal."

"And he's right." Raf interjected, "I haven't been able to find his signal on any frequency. But luckily, we've got Helen.  No one would count on her being able to sense Smokescreen's location past all of Dredd's shielding. And for that reason, and we haven't been able to find his base yet, he probably doesn't have many defences inside his lair.  Besides the Dreddnaughts, of course."

Helen opened her eyes and gasped, coming out of her trance. "I found him." She walked over to a monitor and punched in the coordinates quickly. It was so sudden, that Forge yelped, and jumped about three feet into the air. Blood rushed to his face and turned his cheeks rosy in a deep blush, and when he turned to the rest of the kids, they burst out with laughter, even Jack, who was getting to be almost as bad as Optimus when it came to having a good laugh.

"And I got it on video!" Steel managed to gasp out when the laughter had begun to die down.


"We're t-minus thirty seconds from the drop zone!" Shouted Raf as we approached Dredd's base. Ferris had taken over piloting the jet, seeing as he- surprisingly- agreed with Jack that he would only slow us down.

Ferris spoke up from the pilot's seat as we prepared to jump, "Flare Squad, I've been meaning to ask you, how do you four possess the abilities that you do? There's been nothing showing that you four are anything but ordinary humans in any medical records since you joined N-Tek."

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