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"Guys, I'm picking up some major energy fluxes." Raf told us through the comms as we stopped our vehicles at a set of traffic lights. He sent the three of us the readings over our vehicles monitors. "You guys don't think-"

"It has to be them!" Miko interjected. "The Family are the only ones with access to something that could create that kind of flux!" Family. That was our code for the Autobots. It's been years since they left. Well, more accurately, decades. I should probably explain.

Eighteen years ago...

A few years after they brought us back home from Cybertron, and after we had all graduated, we began working at N-Tek since Unit E got shut down due to the government thinking that the 'cons were gone for good. N-Tek is a super secret organization devoted to protecting the world from extraterrestrial, and major threats that local forces weren't equipped to handle (of course they hired us! We were already experts on the subject!). We were done kicking butt and not dying for the day and had all gone back to the apartment we were sharing. There was a strange blue, somewhat Cybertronian looking being sitting at the kitchen table.

"Who are you?" Jack had asked, reaching for his blaster and stepping in front of us. He knew we didn't need protecting, but he did it anyways out of habit.

"I am Primus." the being had stated, and we all stared in shock. Miko, being herself (and still the exact same might I add), was the first to respond.

"You're Primus? Like, Cybertronian god of creation, big dude in Cybertron's core that died and we used Cyber-Matter to bring back to life?" she asked, pushing past Jack with wide eyes, almost completely flipping out with excitement.

"Yes," he replied, chuckling softly. He kind of sounded like Optimus, but, older and somehow, more experienced. His voice was kind and soft, but it also held so much ferocity that you knew that he could tear you apart without breaking a sweat if you got on his bad side. "I've come to thank you four for helping my children during the end of their war, and for helping them to restore life to both me, and Cybertron."

Before Miko could say something crazy, Raf responded. "It was no problem, really."

"Even so, I wish to give the four of you my blessing." he stood up and walked over to us. "If you will accept it." we all looked at each other, shocked, and nodded once, and turned back to Primus.

"We would be honoured," I told him.

He nodded in return, extended one hand and a beam of light shot out. It was pure white, with blue at the edges the same colour as his skin. It hit Miko, and she was engulfed in the same light as the beam. "Miko Nakadai, I gift you knowledge of Cybertronian weaponry, and the ability to summon your own version of the Apex Armour whenever you require it."

He finished speaking and moved the beam off of Miko, who continued to glow, and onto Raf. "Rafael Esquivel, I gift you knowledge of Cybertronian Biology, and the ability to generate Groundbridges whenever you need." It moved to Jack. "Jack Darby, I gift you the wisdom of leadership,and the ability to phase through objects at will." Next, the beam moved to me. I was terrified, but bursting with excitement at the same time. "Helen Clay, I gift you flight, and the ability to sense Cybertronian life across the planet you inhabit." The beam of light engulfed me as well, and I felt like my skin was hardening and turning to metal. The weirdest thing though, was that it didn't hurt at all. It was as though my nerves had stopped working! Soon, my other senses and body functions began to shut down as well. I could no longer feel my body, but before I blacked out, I heard Primus say something.

"I wish you luck. You will need it."

I onlined my optics, aware that something was different, but not sure what. Then it all came rushing back. I sat up, and saw three human sized Autobots also awakening. They bore a striking resemblance to Jack, Miko, and Raf.

The one that looked like Miko was the first to grab her helm and speak. "Oh man, what the scrap just happened?"

Then I realized when I heard her voice, that the three 'bots didn't just look like Jack, Raf and Miko, they were them! I looked down at myself, and realizing that I was a bot as well! Before I could confirm my thoughts, Jack beat me to it.

"Miko? Raf? Helen? Is that actually you?" He asks, and stands up. We follow his lead.

"Who else?"


So that's how we became human sized Cybertronians, and because of that, our life spans were greatly increased. So even now, 20 years later, we still look like we're 18. Act like it too! We also found out that we had a closer connection to our vehicles, which looked like our guardians when they left, it was almost as though we were one with the controls, which enabled us to be almost as good of drivers as the Autobots. Luckily though, we found out we could basically create a hologram around ourselves that made us look human.

"Let's check it out." Jack, says as the light turns green, and we turn and head out of the city to find it.

On Cybertron...

It's been years since we left Earth. Eighteen, to be exact. Eighteen years since I last saw Helen, Miko, Jack and Raf. Helen, my charge. My crazy, strong, and adrenaline loving charge. I miss them s-

"Smokescreen!" Ratchet yells at me, "Stand back, I'm about to activate the spacebridge!"

Now that Cybertron is well on its way to being completely rebuilt, and there are no threats to worry about, we can finally visit!

The spacebridge powers up, and swirling green vortex is stabilized, and ready to take us to Earth.

"Race you guys there!" I say and transform, driving full throttle into the portal.

Smoke, Flares and Turbo Energy (TFP/Max Steel Crossover) - ON HIATUS Where stories live. Discover now