"Uhm... Guys?" A quiet voice was heard from the back of the room and the two jocks turned around to find Angelica hugging herself as she tried to avoid looking at them.

"What do you want, prick?" Philip asked.

"It's just that... The pizza you guys ordered arrived and-" She started to say but the boys howled and headed to the kitchen, interrupting her, passing right by Angelica and making sure to shock in both of her shoulders. They just destabilized her and she rushed after them once they were already attacking the pizza box "B-But the pizza man is still outside. You have to pay him"

"I don't care, go find a way yourself" Philip said with his mouth full of pizza and Angelica widened her eyes.

"B-But I have no money and you are the one who ordered it! It's not fair once you won't even let me have one sli-" She was interrupted again when her older brother pushed her back, making her hit the wall behind them.

"Then you better think in something" He threatened her as Georges rolled his eyes.

"Uugh, I have twenty bucks in my bag" He groaned and left the room.

Philip crossed his arms and stared at Angelica sighing in relief "Why are you even still here?!" She was confused at first but then shrinks as her brother stepped close to her "Nobody likes you! You are a burden for everyone! Not even your "best friend" is around anyone. I bet she couldn't handle your annoying daily personality and went away. You should do the same. No one would care"

Angelica had tears in her eyes as she ran away from the kitchen, bumping into Georges in the way to her room "YO! Look out!" He shouted.

"S-Sorry" Her voice sounded brittle and then kept on running upstairs.

As Georges walked into the kitchen again, he pointed behind him with the thumb as he asked "What was that about?"

"Eh, you know my sister. Such a drama queen" Philip answered taking another bite of pizza and Georges ignored what just happened. They finished eating the entire pizza and headed back to another round when Philip's phone started to ring "Yolo!" He answered.

"Hi, Pip" The girl said with a sweet voice.

"Heey- Frances?" Philip replied nervously and Georges looked at him confused.

"Sorry about last night... I guess my emotions took over and couldn't decide which of you two hot gentlemen I want to be with. But then I realized... Why do I have to decide at all?"

"Ahm, what?" Philip asked.

Frances giggled "It was always a fantasy of mine to have two guys at once, ya know... If you want that to come true, meet me at the woods behind the school. At dawn. Oh, and don't forget Georges" And then she hung up.

"What did she want?" Georges asked quickly.

"Us!" Philip shouted with a grin.

"No way!"



"Bro put on another game I'm sick of this one!" Georges said once he lost again and Philip rolled his eyes but obeyed "And as you do it I'll go the bathroom"

"Go to the one upstairs, this one is broken. Apparently, someone tried to flush the rubber ducky during our last party"

"Got it" Georges said with finger guns as he walked backwards to the stairs. Once on the second floor he headed to the bathroom and opened the door, sighting Angelica sobbing on the floor "HOLY CRAP! Ugh, you scared me, girl! I- Wait are you o-"

"I'M FINE!" She shouted back and he knew she wasn't fine. Every time she would say anything he could barely hear her voice and now she was there screaming at him.

"Ok, cool" That was what Georges would normally say and then leave, but he still didn't know why he stayed. In fact, he closed the door and walked closer as she attempted to stay away from him, almost like hiding something "You sure? Because I don't thin- THE F*CK?! YOU CRAZY?!" He shouted once he sighted a puddle of blood near her body, then he also realized her bleeding arm and a shaving blade on the floor "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

"WHY YOU CARE?!" She shouts back with an angry expression in her face as she stares at him and stands up, the blood running down her arm and dripping to the floor.


"LIKE HE CARED! HE ALREADY SAID IT IN MY FACE! MORE THAN ONCE! YOU CAN JUST GO AND TELL HIM THE NEWS THAT HE WON'T HAVE TO SHARE THE SAME AIR AS ME ANYMORE!" She shouts and then tears start to roll down when the reality of what she said hits her.

Georges rushes to find some gauze and once he did he grabbed Angelica's wrist and pulled her strongly, opening the sink and putting her cut forearm under the water. She suppressed the pain by biting her lip and punched Georges' back with more tears in her eyes.

"A friend of mine already killed herself and I don't want your blood in my hands, Angelica" He stated as he cleaned her cuts and the girl stood silent. She kept staring straight at Georges as he rolled the gauze around her forearm "What?" He asked annoyed.

"You called me by my name" She murmured.


"You never called me that before..." She said lower and he pulled the gauze a bit too hard on purpose, making her flinch a bit. She then pulls her arm back, hissing at him as she does it "You still didn't answer. Why the hell do you care if I die or not?! One less loser for you to bully?!"

"Look, I don't give a shit if Philip cares or not, and you shouldn't either!" He shouts and she snorts as rolls her eyes and looks away. Georges then put his index finger under her chin and brings her to face him right after kissing her deeply.

Angelica was got out of guard and didn't know what to do, that was her very first kiss, but soon enough she melted into it and followed the flow. Georges suddenly pulled away in the middle of it, making Angelica follow him a bit before realizing he was smirking down at her at how she reacted. She then walked a few steps away and turned her back at him, feeling her face burn.

"So, what about this" He said grinning "If you promise to not try to kill yourself again. Meet me tomorrow at Adam's Burger. At noon."

Angie's eyes widened before furrowing them and looking over her shoulder "F-For real?" He winked at her with the grin stuck on his face as he grabs the door handle "Wait" She called and he stopped "Can we... Ahm... Do that again?" She asked embarrassed and Georges walks towards Angelica, kissing her once again.

"You're good in it, ya know?" He whispers when they separate, leaving a blushing Angelica behind as he exits the room with a warm feeling inside his chest.

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