Unwanted Followers

Start from the beginning

I brought my phone out my pocket, and unlocked the phone; I was going to call it. I put the number into my dial pad, and took a deep breath. My thumb almost clicked the green button, before I remembered something. 

Let's private my phone number, just in case.

Once I did, I redialled the number and pressed the call button. I slowly brought my phone up to my ear, and listened. My heart pounded against my chest as I heard silence for a couple of seconds, before hearing the familiar ringing sound. 

I took a surprised, sharp intake of breath. It worked? 

It only rang twice before it was picked up. I waited for the receiving end to say something, maybe a 'Hello?'. 

But there was just silence. 

I frowned again, glancing at my phone to see I was still on the line. I brought it back to my ear, and listened for a voice. When it seemed like the person wouldn't speak, I rolled my eyes and said, "Hello."

More silence.

All right then...

"Hi, I'm calling to speak to someone. It is quite important, and this is the only number I have to call him." I tried again, trying to sound professional. 

"May I help you?" A male suddenly spoke. I opened my mouth to reply, before I realised I had already told him why I called.

"I would like to speak to a man named Kian, if possible." I asked, nervously playing with my hair. 

"Please hold on a second." The man told me after a brief pause. Following his order, I patiently waited on the line before he got back to me. 

"How have you obtained this number, ma'am?" The man questioned, annoyance lacing his voice. "Do you know who you're calling?"

I brought my phone away from my face, and stared at it in horror. For some reason, it felt like I was getting in trouble. Despite that feeling, I continued to stay on the line. This number was the only link I had to my father, I wasn't going to give up that easily. 

"Is this a department in The British Army?" I asked, kicking an empty bottle of water in embarrassment. I sounded so ridiculous, but I had to ask.

"No, ma'am." He responded with monotone. "This is an insurance company."

Disappointment filled me, as reality hit me. "Oh." 

"Have a good day." He said curtly, before hanging up. 

I let out a heavy sigh, before locking my phone and slipping it into my pocket. What kind of insurance company purposely stays silent once they pick up? A bitter smile made its way on to my face, as I made my way upstairs.

I found my mum getting ready to hop into the shower. I slid her phone onto her dresser and leaned against it. She was tying her long jet-black hair into a bun, a trait that I inherited from her. She was naturally tan because of her Italian descent, another trait she had passed onto me. 

She smiled at me once she noticed me with her mismatched eyes. She had heterochromia, her iris' were different in colour; one was brown and the other was blue. I inherited dark blue eyes, just like my dad.

"You called me earlier?" I reminded her. 

She furrowed her brows in thought, trying to remember why she called me. "I forgot, sweetie."

I shook my head at with a laugh, before leaving the room. "I'm off to uni!" 

"Make sure to eat lunch, it's almost mid-day!" She called out, poking her head out the room. "I'll call you to make sure!"

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